Spring Fires

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Book: Spring Fires by Cynthia Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Wright
perfection of her face and neck, and even the severe cut of her dove-gray frock could not hide her lithe curves. As she set plates on tables and smiled at the patrons who offered expressions of sympathy, Nicholai was conscious of a sharp sensation in his chest. Unbidden, the memory of Lisette's hypnotic kiss invaded his mind and he saw her again, naked, clinging to him, begging him to... love her.
    She was only a few feet away now and there were two plates left on the tray. Alec rose, extending his hand to Lisette, telling her how sorry he was to hear of her loss.
    "Thank you, Mr. Beauvisage. I appreciate your kindness."
    Nicholai stood next to his brother, expecting her to look up into his eyes, to say some small thing that he would understand. She carefully set the gingerbread and two forks on the table, but when she glanced at Nicholai, her eyes were as remote as a stranger's.
    "Good day to you, Mistress Hahn," he said, thinking to be kind and break the ice for her.
    Lisette had already begun to turn away when she answered, with cool finality, "Good day, sir."

    Chapter 8

    March 26, 1793
    Nicholai wouldn't have allowed Lisette to get in the last word if Marcus Reems hadn't intervened.
    "Mistress Hahn, may I have a word with you?" The tall man with the gold tiger eyes rose partway, smiling at Lisette as he gestured for her to come toward his table.
    After sitting down again, Nicholai watched as Alec attacked the fragrant dessert. Lisette was only inches from Marcus Reems's face, bending closer to listen to him; Nicholai could almost smell the vanilla and butter that scented her skin, clothing, hair....
    "Sacha, what the devil is the chit up to, now? First she pretends not to know me, and then she cozies up to the man I've just been told is the blackest of villains!"
    Alec put another bite of gingerbread in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. "I was going to ask you what happened to that blossoming friendship between you two..."
    Watching Lisette return to the keeping room, slim shoulders straight, the golden crown of hair gleaming in the candlelight shed by tin chandeliers, Nicholai pondered his brother's gentle gibe. Though he was puzzled and vaguely annoyed, a spasm of fury twisted inside him when he saw Marcus Reems get to his feet, glancing furtively around to see if he was being observed, and follow Lisette's course toward the back of the building.
    Not wanting to explain to Alec the stronger reason for his interest, he muttered, "For our friend Lion's sake, I believe I'll look into this a bit more carefully."
    "But, Nicky," came the mock-plaintive protest, "don't you want your dessert?"
    Nicholai pushed the plate over to Alec as he stood up. "Oh, I insist!" He grinned, then added, "Don't wait for me. I will see you and Caro and your entourage of children tonight at our parents'."
    With that, he set off, toward the front door.
    * * *
    Leaning against the brick wall, Nicholai rubbed five knuckles over his stubbly jaw. He wished now that he had shaved again. Only a quarter hour had passed, but a clear veil of mist covered his hair and the cold seemed to seep closer to his bones by the minute.
    What the devil was he doing in there?
    As if in answer, Marcus Reems appeared from the CoffeeHouse's back door. The fact that he hadn't chosen to return into the public room merely confirmed Nicholai's suspicions. When Reems was safely out of sight, he started toward the rear door himself.
    He entered without knocking, thinking to put her on the defensive, but as it turned out Lisette did not see him at all. She was pouring hot lemon sauce over two large pans of gingerbread while Purity lined the worktable with small plates. Hyla Flowers was dishing up oxtail soup from the pot over the fire, handing the full bowls to Chastity.
    Nicholai paused for a moment. He was beginning to wish he'd never seen this enigmatic, beautiful girl. Had it been less than a day since they met? Not once in the intervening hours had she

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