Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory

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Book: Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory by Rachel Bo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Bo
Devlin. I saw them shift a few times. They were so beautiful, in both forms.”
    She stared down at her hands, clasped in her lap. “I kind of had a crush on them. It’s a

    Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory

    wonder they never caught me spying, but my father was an outdoorsman, so I’d been taught how to walk silently in the woods, stay downwind, all that.”
    “And they probably just weren’t expecting anything like that from a young girl.”
    “Yeah.” Tara looked into Jenny’s eyes once more. “But anyway, I think that’s why I did what I did in New Orleans. The minute I saw Johnathan and Jacob, I knew what they were.”
    Her face flushed. “I…I didn’t feel drawn to them like…like my life mates or anything. I hate to admit it, but it had been a fantasy of mine, ever since…” Her voice trailed off, her cheeks red as apples. “Well, I wanted to --”
    “I think I get the picture.” Jenny tightened her arm around her friend’s shoulders in a hug. “Don’t worry. I can’t blame you. Weyr have incredible sex appeal.”
    Tara laughed, an explosive sound that seemed to finally release some of her tension.
    “Lord, I never in my life thought that some day I’d be confessing to my best friend that I used to have sexual fantasies about her weyrwolf husband.” Her gaze turned shrewd. “Or should I say, husbands.”
    It was Jenny’s turn to blush. Tara nudged her with a shoulder. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
    But I keep getting off track. Time to end this sorry tale.”
    She slipped out of Jenny’s grasp and stood. Walking over to the porch rail, she stared out into the woods. “Bottom line, I didn’t think of the consequences. I just accepted their advances and went for it, even though there was obviously something going on with them.
    They were running from something, or hiding from something or someone, I think.”
    She turned and faced her friend, leaning against the corner post. “I know this sounds nuts, but I think they knew -- well, Johnathan, at least -- that I’d gotten pregnant. He left me this card with some shamrocks, on the morning I was leaving. It said to take care of them, their gift, and I thought they meant the clover at the time, but now I think they knew about the pregnancy, even knew it was twins.”
    “They probably did.” Jenny watched her closely. “It’s another aspect of full weyr. They can sense our natural rhythms and know that we’re ovulating, that kind of thing.
    Apparently, if you are ovulating when you have sex with both males of a set of full weyr twins, you will get pregnant, no matter what. At least, if you’re human or half-weyr. If I remember correctly, Damien might have told me full weyr females have some control of their own in that situation.”
    Tara took a deep, shuddering breath. “So, I come back, and I’m pregnant, and I don’t hear from either of them for four months. And then I-I lose one of the babies.” She swallowed hard. “I was devastated, but at the same time, I started thinking, finally, about what this pregnancy really means.” She met Jenny’s gaze pleadingly. “What do I know about weyr? How can I possibly raise a weyr baby by myself?”
    Jenny stood and joined her by the rail, facing out toward the wooded mountainside, her hands resting on the wooden railing. “I’m sure you can do it, Tara. I mean, I didn’t even know I was weyr. My parents raised me completely oblivious of my origins, and nothing

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    untoward happened.” She hesitated. “Well, until I met Damien and Dev and… Well, I have to admit, I very much resented not having been raised with the knowledge. Even now, I still have questions.”
    Tara shook her head, fighting back tears. “It’s not just that.” She grabbed Jenny’s shoulders, turning her so they could look eye to eye. “I’m not ready for children.” She sobbed. “I wasn’t in love with them. It was a fling, a thirtieth birthday adventure and the fulfillment of a longtime

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