Wingless And Damned (The Damned Series)

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Book: Wingless And Damned (The Damned Series) by Dawn White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn White
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a sight. If someone is stupid enough to fight us, they’ll face eighty nine mature werewolves with massive claws sticking out of enormous paws. I don’t think even one of them stands less seven feet tall at the ready. I notice they take on their true hair color when they transform. Alexander has black hair with ice blue eyes as in his human form thus his werewolf has the same? Alexander takes his place in front of the tribe but instead of words, I hear him in my weary mind speaking to his tribal men.
    “We face a worthy opponent today. My Lea and I faced a demon and an original yesterday evening. We are standing before you asking for you to possibly lay your life down for the greater good of the tribe. The curse cannot and will not ever be broken if we cannot go out there and stop these cruel bloodthirsty creatures out there screaming for our people’s blood. We must send them to the netherworld, never to be seen or torture another of ours again!”
    I can’t help but have a massive amount of pride well up inside of me. This wonderfully powerful man is mine!
    The army listening trance-like to Alexander’s speech are now hooting and hollering at the thought of the upcoming blood shed soon to be in our grasp.
    Gaius takes his place on Alexander’s right and I sense them communicating but have no bearing on how Alexander has shut me out. I am just getting a fuzzy thought field instead of actual thoughts. For some damn reason this angers me. I don’t seem to understand how to shield my own thoughts from him yet. I know when this battle is over; the first thing on my list will be to figure this out. I feel a flutter come up behind me as I see Zari take her spot at my right.
    She faces me as she smiles as she says, “Time to suit up my dearest sister.”
    As if on command, I transform to my new frightening self.
    I feel my fangs growing as I smile back at Zari and can see her fight the urge to take a step back. When I get a grasp on how I'm changing, I can see why she seems anxious. My normal hands have disappeared, and in their place are massive claws again.
    My mind keeps playing tricks on me as I have flashbacks of the cave of when I used my claws and newly sharpened teeth to rip a demon’s hand off. For some reason these memories ignite a yearning deep in my core. Alexander and I still haven’t spoken about how and why I am having a battle with my bloodlust. I know I sure as hell will be bringing this up once this whole debacle is over. Also on the conversation topic list will be him not introducing me to his brothers as well as not teaching me to shield As soon as the anger seeped into my psyche I noticed Alexander’s was back in my mind.
    “Apparently you were more worried about getting a piece of ass than introducing me to your brothers or teaching me necessities! This can and will be dealt with later!”
    Zari, noticing my temperament change, places a hand on my right shoulder. As soon as I feel her warmth, I swear there is a trickling of power radiating from me. What the fuck is that? Zari backed up as if I burned her, rubbing her hand where it had recently been in contact with my skin. I can’t help but turn away from Alexander to look at my dear sister only to come up astonished. Feeling so much aggression building inside me, Alexander rushes to my side. The closer he gets the better I start to feel.
    Reaching for our connection, I only have questions waiting for him. “What is going on with me? Why am I always so damn angry? Why do I want to eat my sister?”
    He responds to me in a calming manner. “When we mated, we sealed our fates, you feel as I feel likewise for me. You are still you, just much stronger; everything is more powerful when you are a supernatural creature. Unfortunately, we have two types of supernatural temperaments to deal with. To answer your question, you will always have the thirst for blood, but we don’t need it to survive; we just have to control ourselves. Now let’s go kill

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