Wingless And Damned (The Damned Series)

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Book: Wingless And Damned (The Damned Series) by Dawn White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn White
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ripped to pieces. Sloshing in my new wet boots I feel this new anger consuming me as I realize my toes are squishing in fucking blood. The closer to the village we get this overwhelming anguish radiates through me, to my very being. By the time I realize these aren’t my emotions, digging deeper they aren’t Alexander’s either; just as I am scratching at his emotions I feel a wall thud between our connection. Suddenly I am alone again with my darkest thoughts, what the hell is that? Starting to have problems putting one foot in front of the other I feel a splatter as if rain is falling, when I glance skyward there is not a cloud in the sky. Staggering one more time before my eyes focus on an object high in the trees, I place my hand on the wetness on my face and am met with a crimson smear that seems to be coming from the objects in the trees. When my eyes grasp the nature of the object high in the branches I drop to my knees knowing this is one of ours but I am not sure who. Hanging in the trees above our heads is an arm from someone in the Neuri tribe. I quickly stumble to my feet in an attempt to run, looking around quickly I notice Alex is nowhere to be found. The panic sets in as I realize I am utterly alone, there is a body of someone in the trees, and I don’t know where my fucking mate is. The faster my feet rush me across the foliage on the forest floor I start getting a stronger smell of a sickingly sweet aroma as I move further onto the path. Each step I take I am met with more splattering from above, knowing what I am going to see when I glance skyward I chance it and am struck by more horror seeing the trees lining the path I am on leading to the village is strewn with every body part you can imagine, its fresh, within ten minutes fresh. The sweet smell accosts my nostrils and I breathe deep knowing I shouldn’t but for some reason I can’t stop myself. Not now! I don’t have time to deal with this shit again! Get control of yourself, you have been neck fucking deep in blood for the past two days control it!  
    Suddenly I drop feeling as if my chest is in a vice grip, with a torment that is so consuming that my blood feels like hot lava pulsing through my veins. My soul feels a wrath it has never been touched with. Trying to catch my breath and failing miserably as I start gasping at the precious air that is eluding me, I flail on the forest floor for the precious oxygen I am just now slowly being able to drink in. Pulling myself together as quickly as possible I start feeling Alexander’s presence in a stained sorrow on my soul. I get to my feet for the second time in the last five minutes, and rush the rest of the way up the path keeping my eyes to the ground; the air thickens around the crowd that is circled around something in the center.
    Pushing my way through the sorrowful people my eyes are quickly drawn to my mate on his knees in front of a stake in the ground with a head on it. Feeling this utter fear, I rush to his side. The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach is empathized when I see Luke’s broken, severed head on the top of the stake. When I distinguish the damage done to his face I notice his ears are missing, eyes have been removed, and his tongue has be pulled from his bleeding mouth when he was still alive. The knowledge of who did this is burning its way through my head and not knowing how to make a wall to block Alexander he glares at me in understanding. Rubbing his back telling him how sorry I am this happened Gaius pushes himself through the crowd forcefully yelling for Alexander. Alexander looks up at his younger brother with a hatred that has seeped into him, Gaius reaches down and grabs his brother by the shoulders and pulls him to him, patting him on the back while they walk in their own silence while still knowing what each other are thinking. Before walking away Alexander turns to the crowd, with a roaring voice,
    “Don’t just stand there! You stand there as if your

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