Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3)

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Book: Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3) by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins
but he was too stupid to realize what he’d done. Two hours later, with Cinn in her room handling her shit, I found the recruit and handled mine. Dumping his dead body into a utility sized garbage bag, Savage asked me why I killed our newest recruit. I told him the truth, “He made fun of Cinn for starting her period. ” He shrugged and said,
    “He can rot. ” And that was that.
    Ransom was too close to her, but I’d discuss that with him later. Right now, I needed to be near her, touch her, feel the proof she was real. Pushing past him and the smirk on his face, I pull her up and out of the lounge and take her mouth. Pouring everything I had for her in the kiss, she threw her arms around my neck and gave it back to me. Like all things Cinn, it went from kissing to wanting inside of her. When she guided me down to the lounge pulling me on top of her, before I ripped her clothes off, I stopped kissing her. Her eyes were begging for only what I could give her, her body was screaming for mine but denying her was best. “I’m not fucking you on a lounge chair, ” I growl backing away. “Do you own a suit?”
    “A suit? As in, swimsuit? No. ”
    Figures. Pushing my earpiece, I let Ransom know to grab the suit I bought for her a few years ago. There was a reason he was my second in command. He was back in five minutes still wearing that damn smirk. He was enjoying my discomfort and when I looked into the bag my balls got a pulse. This wasn’t the suit I meant for him to grab, this one was a torture device. One I ordered from a catalog on a whim and was too revealing. The prick knew I was riled up…
    I would just have to make sure no one but me ever fucking saw her in this suit. Fuck, I was in trouble. When he leaves without a word, I face her. Not bothering with privacy, she undresses and asks, “I’m getting naked to put a suit on? Can’t I just stay naked? This seems unnecessary.”
    Palming my cock to keep it from jumping, I try to explain without coming in my jeans. “The pool is a common area, which means one of my men could walk in here and see you. ” Then smirking at me, she shimmies the bottoms on and turns to look at me.
    “Is it supposed to … to do this? ” she asks grinning. “My ass doesn’t fit, ” she says trying to cover it. As for me, I was loving that it didn’t come close to covering that ass. Then fumbling with the top she grunts and looks at me like she’d like to skip it, which was appealing but not happening.
    “Put it on, ” I order.
    “Put what on? ” she says throwing her hands up. “Ransom has a sense of humor, ” she mumbles. And I had to admit once she put it on there wasn’t much to it. Adjusting the triangles she turns like a fashion model seeking my approval.
    “Fucking flawless, ” I praise her.
    She glows from my approval then I drop my pants to pull my trunks on and I can see how much she wants me. Her nipples are rock hard, her eyes are begging to fuck and she’s breathing heavy. She can see how much I want her too considering my dick was hard and pointing at her like a God damn compass .
    “Monarch, ” she whispers licking her lips. “I can’t keep waiting.”
    “Yeah you can, ” Walking over to her, I take her hand leading her to the steps to the pool.
    Frozen solid, she takes her arm back and says, “Um no.”
    “Cinn, ” I coax. “I’ll never let you go.”
    “It looks cold, ” she says backing away.
    “It’s heated, ” I assure her.
    “It looks deep, ” she says ringing her hands.
    “Six feet at the far end, four feet here, ” I urge. “Take my hand, baby.”
    “No fucking chance, ” she says shaking her head. Never have I witnessed her truly terrified. I’ve watched men die at her feet and not once did she flinch. I’ve also watched her negotiate with hard ass criminals and stand up to Savage but I had no idea she was afraid of water or that it would fuck with me that she was. Again, my fault.
    “Do you trust me, Cinn? ” I

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