
Read Online 9781618850638IfOnlyYouKnewBergman by Unknown - Free Book Online

Book: 9781618850638IfOnlyYouKnewBergman by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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besides my parents. She was the only other person who knew my personal
secrets and thoughts. I could tell her anything without her telling others. Our
bond was our loyalty for each other.
    “How’s my little momma doing?” She
always called me little momma, even though throughout my life I had been a big
    “I’m doing fine grandma, how about
    “Besides my arthritis, I am doing
just fine. How’s New York and how’s Richard doing?”
    “Yeah, how is Richard doing?” asked
my dad.
    I looked at them and flatly said, “He’s
fine, I guess.”
    The look that my parents and grandma
projected showed that I must have sent a shock to their system.
    “Sweetheart, are you ok?” momma asked.
    “Yeah, I’m fine; just hungry and
tired. I’ll go and put my things up in my room and I’ll be down for dinner.” I
got my bags and started to walk upstairs. I really didn’t want to think about
Richard while I was here, but that would be as hard as a fish trying to breathe
out of water.
    When I came back down for dinner, the
food was already out and my stomach was growling like crazy, as I sat down at
the table.
    “Can you pass the potato salad please,
dad?” I asked while munching on some ham.
    Passing the bowl, I scooped out two
big spoonfuls onto my plate and started to scarf it down.
    “Sweetheart, don’t do that to your
food, eating it like a hungry dog.” Grandma told me.
    “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to eat like
    The phone rang and my mom went to get
it, “Hello? Yes, hold on a second please, it’s Richard.”
    I shook my hands and head ‘no’ as her
smile disappeared. “I’m sorry, Richard dear, she isn’t available. Alright then,
goodbye my dear and take care.” I continued to eat as if nothing happened, but
everyone else stopped and kept their eyes locked on me.
    “Marley Stacy Rockford, can you
please tell us what is going on? Richard just called, and you didn’t even
answer his call. That’s not like you at all.”
    “You guys, right now is just not a
good time for me to talk about what is going on between me and Richard. And if
he does call back again, tell him that I don’t want to talk with him at all.” I
got up with my plate, piled on some more ham, took my tea, and walked outside
on the porch.
    When I got out of the shower after
dinner, my mom was sitting on my bed looking at me. “Now, will you tell me what
is going on with Richard?” I went to the door and slowly closed it as I
continued patting my face with the towel.
    “I told Richard that I loved him.”
    She sported the biggest smile that I
had ever seen in my life. My mom has always had a thing for Richard, and no
matter what, she always wanted Richard and me together.
    “And what did he say?” she smiled as
I went to my dresser and got a gown.
    “He smiled and he told me that he
wished that he had known. Said that of all the girls he had been with, he
should have known that he had the best one of them all in front of him all
along. Then it looked like we were about to kiss but…”
    “But what my dear, what happened
    “His God damn girlfriend came in, I
told her what was going on, and she threw some red wine all over my dress and
called me names.” I started braiding my hair.
    “That bitch!”
    “Exactly, that’s why it felt good to
slap the taste out of her skinny mouth in front of all her high fashion
friends. After all that, I left and I have been avoiding Richard since.”
    “Well, there is one question that I
have to ask you then?” she said, standing.
    “Yeah, what is that momma?”
    “Why are you running away from him?
You have no reason to be here at this house. You finally got the man of your
dreams and like an idiot, you up and run away.”
    She was right; I was an idiot for
leaving like I did. Hell, I was a schmuck for leaving Richard and avoiding his
phone calls as I did. I gave my momma a hug, and she held me close as I started
crying in her arms.
    When I got up early the

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