Whisper Through The Pain (A Novella)

Read Online Whisper Through The Pain (A Novella) by Renee Wynn - Free Book Online

Book: Whisper Through The Pain (A Novella) by Renee Wynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Wynn
    “It won’t change anything. There’s no trust between us. At one time I thought we had that, but we don’t.” She ran a weary hand through her tangled locks. “You accused me of cheating on you. If you don’t know what kind of person I am, what do we have?”
    He threw a furtive glance as he stood staring down at her with his hands at his waist. It made her uncomfortable so she swung her feet to the side of the bed and stood. Moving toward the dressing table, she kept occupied arranging the bottles of lotion and creams into neat lines.
    “Will you please look at me, Melissa?”
    She turned and faced him.
    He pierced her with his gaze. “We are married. It’s a partnership. I thought we also had trust. Then an ex-husband, who I knew nothing about, shows up.”
    “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you about Brent.”
    “I agree.”
    Exasperated, she threw up her hands. “I’m finished with this conversation.”
    “Bullshit. I’m not. I want to know why it’s taken you weeks to remember you’re married.”
    “Damn, Jake. You’re like a dog with a bone. No matter how many times I tell you to let it go, you won’t. I’ve tried to explain but you won’t listen. How many times do I have to apologize?”
    “I don’t remember you apologizing previously.”
    “Alright! I apologize. I’m sorry! For keeping my previous marriage a secret, for kissing Brent, for having dinner with him. Satisfied? But it’s my past not yours. It had nothing to do with you.”
    He moved toward her. “Nothing to do with me? The hell it didn’t. I made some missteps here. One, I gave you the space you needed. That was my first mistake. Secondly, I sat back and waited for you to make a decision. Third, I let you be in charge of the situation. No more. You belong to me and it’s time you realize it. I’m putting my foot down—”
    She laughed. “Your what?”
    “You think it’s funny?’
    She regarded him silently for a long moment. Never had she seen Jake act this way. He was normally so cool, confident and unmovable, when it came to emotions.
    She approached him and placed her hand to his cheek. He stiffened. A smile almost crossed her lips when his eyes widened at her gesture. But he quickly averted his gaze, not letting her see anything beyond his mask. She’d never made the first move in the entire time they had been together. Never. Not a kiss, not a touch, nor had she initiated their lovemaking. The fear of rejection had stopped her. She surprised herself as she stroked his jawline. With boldness she ran her fingers across his firm lips. His breathing ragged, she felt it caress her hand, warm and moist.
    Strong fingers fastened firmly on her wrist, stopping her progress. His eyes temporarily lost their fierceness. His expression was softer—but nonetheless dangerous. Melissa realized a battle was warring inside of him.
    “You ask for so much sometimes, loyalty, trust and straight answers. Everything isn’t always black or white, Jake. But then there are times you ask for so little. I wonder if I’ll ever really know you.”
    “There’s where you are wrong, baby. You know me very well.”
    With that said, he placed his mouth over hers. Momentarily, she was paralyzed by the raw power of the kiss.
    He lifted his head, his glittering gray eyes roaming her face. An intangible thread of something—was it sadness or pain? She couldn’t tell. Then everything changed. Had she imagined what she had seen? Then the hard lines of his face spoke of a man who was in in charge once again. He kissed her hard, this time with possessiveness. She fought to breathe. A flush of heat suffused her body. Despite the misgivings that plagued her about their marriage, she leaned into him, seeking his warmth. He groaned and deepened the kiss. She felt herself being lifted, her robe falling around her shoulders, and then she was straddling his thighs. He laid her gently on the bed, his mouth still fused with hers. Their tongues met and

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