Whisper Through The Pain (A Novella)

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Book: Whisper Through The Pain (A Novella) by Renee Wynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Wynn
tangled in a battle for ownership. He moved slowly as if he had all the time in the world to accomplish his mission.  He was the only man she knew who treated kissing like it was the most important element of loving.
    He broke the kiss for a moment, his lips sliding apart in a slow movement. His lips glided lightly over her cheek, her eyes, her nose and then her temple. Her breath caught at the softness—tenderness of the gesture. The moment was suspended in memory. It said he’d missed her. She also missed him—the connection—the fierce passion. Coolness hit her skin when he removed her robe, leaving her bare to his touch and eyes.
    “Jake,” she whispered, the quietness around them feeling almost peaceful.
    “It’s been too damn long.”
    “Aww, Jake,” she squirmed when he captured her nipple.
    “Shh.” He gave her gentle, lingering kisses all over her breasts, neck and face between words. “I want us both to enjoy this. We won’t if you continue to touch me. I want you too bad. I’m afraid I have no control, sweetheart.”
    Jake Sorenson was a tough man. He didn’t show emotions or speak of what he wanted; he just took it. For him to admit he needed her was telling in itself.
    Sheila had warned her when her and Jake’s relationship was new that he didn’t do cozy and sensitive episodes with women. He was very candid and to the point about what he wanted without having to say much. He could be critical without remorse. Whatever anger he was feeling hadn’t abated his desire at all.
    She grabbed his head, bringing his lips to hers once again. He let her be the initiator for several minutes but she knew it wouldn’t last. Allowing her tongue to tease his, she felt the gesture surprised and excited him. She tunneled her fingers through his gorgeous hair, pulling him to the heat. The pressure of his hard penis pushed at the wet opening of her vagina. When had he discarded his pajamas bottoms? She inhaled deeply, clawing at his back, trying to make him complete the act. He held her hips in place.
    Melissa felt the powerful rawness touching her clit. All she knew was that she wanted him—now. With Jake, sex was wild and free. Their need for each other was predatory in nature, hot and explosive. He lifted, moved her further up on the bed and opened her legs, wide.
    His hands were everywhere initiating emotions she didn’t think were possible. Lost in a haze of pleasure, she almost blurted out that she loved him, but she couldn’t. He wouldn’t believe her—at least not now but soon. First, they had to clear the obstacles in their path.
    Masculine fingers caressed her opening, circling her clit folds before moving to mold her breasts and pluck her nipples.
    Raw sounds of need slipped from her mouth to his. Her body shuddered at the sensation, sharp talons of sexual thirst gripping tightly and making her muscles strain with release.
    Again he caressed her swollen clitoris, inserting one finger—then two—and finally three. The pleasure built at lightning speed and Melissa felt her climax explode into fragments of raw heat, clawing her insides. She moaned, knowing she was near the edge. His kiss swallowed her scream before it could escape.
    He moved away. The night stand drawer opened and a condom wrapper tore. Lazily, she opened her eyes just enough to see the animalistic carnality of his face. She grew more wet and swollen. Her insides clenched in undeniable hunger. He thrust inside her in one mind-blowing stroke, filling her like no other man could. She could barely catch her breath. He took her as if he was laying claim. It was primitive. Melissa was his—Jake was hers. At this moment no shadows stood between them.
    Breathing hard, he looked down at her, his eyes dark with desire. “You okay?”
    She answered with a tilt of her pelvis, taking him deeper into her womb.
    He pumped at a slow pace, teasing her, and then with hard powerful strokes, claiming her. With each plunge he took her higher and

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