Werewolves of Chicago: Curragh (Werewolves of... Book 6)

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Book: Werewolves of Chicago: Curragh (Werewolves of... Book 6) by Faleena Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faleena Hopkins
her to answer.
    Bill Tutors cut in, instead. “One month ago. I’m a lucky man.” He kissed the girl’s hand and patted it, laying it on his thigh. He met the fake Ms. Phillips’ eyes with a challenge.
    And that’s when Kara realized it. He knew. He knew everything! That the girl was too young. That Kara wasn’t really Mrs. Phillips. He was probably trying to figure out who she worked for. The cops or Kruglov. “You are!” Goosebumps slid down her spine and she stiffened. “Very lucky.”
    In the window behind Bill Tutors’ shoulder Curragh appeared. Kara caught him in her periphery and used the action of moving her hair out of her face to glance over and see what he was doing. His eyes locked with hers. There was a warning in them. He wanted her to know she was in trouble. Not from him. He’s not working for Kruglov? Or is he? She had no idea. But now she had nothing left to lose, and all the reason to believe him that she was in danger.
    With everyone in the van listening, Kara asked point blank, “So, why would a man who has done so much for the city, marry a child sold on the black market?” His cunning smile vanished. Kara leaned forward. “Paying for the privilege? Or was this Kruglov’s gift for something you did for him?”
    “Who are you?” Tutors demanded with a voice like ice. He dropped the girl’s hand.
    “Chicago P.D. you piece of shit.”
    The back window exploded as Curragh and Xavier crashed through. From the other direction behind her, came three bodyguards brandishing rifles. Kara threw the pie at one of them, splattering him in the face and blinding him, momentarily. Weaponless, she leapt over the coffee table onto the girl and screamed into her wire, “Backup! Backup!” Bill leapt up and ran from the room as Curragh and his friend knocked the guns out of the other two bodyguard’s hands, then turned the weapons on the new arrivals who ran, also armed, into the room. Curragh and Xavier shot them dead. Kara gaped at them.
    “Get the girl outta here!” Curragh shouted at her, throwing one of the guns over. She caught it and pulled the teenage girl off the couch, running for the broken window. Around a corner came another bodyguard. The Russian girl screamed. Kara aimed and fired with quick precision. She didn’t stick around to watch him fall to the floor.
    “Come on! What am I saying, you can’t understand me!” She yanked the girl over the broken glass, their shoes crunching loudly. Muffled banging and shouting came from the front door. Her fellow officers were trying to get in. Kara could only imagine what they’d think when they found two giant men throwing Tutors’ bodyguards around like rag dolls.
    But Kara couldn’t let that distract her. Her responsibility was to get this girl to safety. The two females dashed down the side yard for the street while Kara shouted into her wire, “We need more backup. I don’t know how many men he has in here. And you guys in the van, get over here and grab this girl!”

Chapter Eighteen
    I mmediately over the fence ahead , she heard screeching tires as the van sped to the house. Kara’s adrenaline was on fire. The gate was locked. She shot it open, and came out slowly with her gun aimed and ready for anything. The van waited ahead, backed up to the curb. It opened and they looked around, then waved to her that it was safe to come over. Kara looked to the front door as they made their way across the grass. It was wide open, that lock shot to pieces, too. She rushed the girl to safety, told her team, “I’m going in to help,” and slammed the door shut to the van.
    She approached the front door, weapon up, finger on the trigger.
    There were bodies everywhere, most of them dead. She heard a man screaming from upstairs and knew it was Bill Tutors. She ascended the stairs, keeping watch behind and ahead of her at all times. When she got to the second level, she found both detectives on the ground. Her breath caught in her throat as she

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