Werewolves of Chicago: Curragh (Werewolves of... Book 6)

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Book: Werewolves of Chicago: Curragh (Werewolves of... Book 6) by Faleena Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faleena Hopkins
regaining her composure as quick as she could to tell them, “Uh, two of his bodyguards. They went rogue. I guess they didn’t like what he’d done. Maybe one of them has a sister. Who knows. But after they got a confession, they made sure I couldn’t arrest them. Ouch. How bad is it?”
    Slater made a face and swatted her shoulder, an unusual show of camaraderie. “Spreading by the second.”
    “Great,” she muttered. “Oh, well. It’s not like I have much of a dating life with this job.”
    The two detectives chuckled. Rodriguez said, “Ain’t that the truth.”
    “Okay, everyone,” Monaghan called out. “Secure the crime scene. That means this entire mansion. We need a coroner for the dead bodies. You know the drill. Don’t touch them! Only the coroner has the jurisdiction. This case is too important to have some technicality get this man off. And photos of everything. before the EMTs get here and muck this whole thing up. I mean everything.” She looked over to where a couple officers were beside Bill. “Cut those belts. But don’t untie them. That’s all evidence.”
    Rodriguez called out, “Don’t search anything until we get that warrant! Hold off.” Nods all around.
    Another officer of lower rank walked up and handed her a phone. “It’s the Captain.”
    “Thanks.” She nodded to the three men and stepped away to talk in private while camera flashes lit the room with the speed of strobe lights in a nightclub.
    “Monaghan. What happened.”
    “Sorry Captain. Tutors wasn’t the saint we hoped he’d be.”
    “I heard. Well, the bad news is good news. We just got our first big break. Nice work. I’ve already put a call in to Superior Court Judge Wasserstein. He gave me a telephone warrant. You’re good to go. I want everything searched. It’s going to be a long day.”
    “How’s she doing?”
    “She’s heading back to the precinct now. We’ll reunite her with her sister, then have the interpreter find out what he can.”
    “You want to know if she learned anything while she was here” Kara watched as officers from the crime lab shot pictures of the knots Curragh and Xavier had made. When they were done, they carefully cut the belts off the unconscious millionaire and lowered him to the floor.
    Slater shouted, “Did you take photos of the blood spattering around him, the footprints?!” They nodded. “Carry on then.”
    Kara focused back on her phone call. “Find out if anyone paid Tutors a visit.”
    “You think Kruglov has been there?”
    “I doubt it. But who knows.”
    “Good thinking. He’s unpredictable. He may have.” Irritation grated through Mazzagatti’s voice. “Who knows how close they were.”
    She watched Bill Tutors’ open swollen eyes, and thought of her unlikely allies. “I’m going to find him. I don’t know how yet, but I will.”
    Then she realized she didn’t know how to find Curragh. Not his last name. Address. Where he worked, hung out. He didn’t know her last name either, but he knew what she did and that her precinct was in this district.
    But will he find me?
    Turning around, she called out, “Okay, gentlemen. Go through all the rooms. Pay special attention to his office. Check the desk for hidden compartments. Check cupboards for the same. Hutches, dressers. Anything that could hold a secret hidey-hole. The floors. Behind paintings for safes. The Captain wants a complete sweep.” Nods all around as the search began.

Chapter Nineteen
    “ Y ou think she saw ?” They climbed in their car. “She looked at you like she saw.”
    Curragh grumbled, “Saw what?” with a slam of the door.
    Xavier cut a sharp glance and shoved the key in the ignition. “Your eyes! They were—”
    “—I know what my eyes were doing. No. I got a hold of myself before I turned around. Just worry about the road.”
    “What was going on back there? You barely controlled—”
    “—I’ve got a handle on it!” Curragh couldn’t see the mansions flying by

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