Werewolves of Chicago: Curragh (Werewolves of... Book 6)

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Book: Werewolves of Chicago: Curragh (Werewolves of... Book 6) by Faleena Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faleena Hopkins
leaned down and checked their pulses, first Lewis, then Connors. With her fingers pressed against warm skin, she closed her eyes for a brief moment of relief.
    “Dear God, WHAT ARE YOU?!!!!” Bill Tutors screamed.
    Kara’s head shot up and she headed for the bedroom. It was at the far end of the landing. As she neared the open door, her lips parted. The millionaire was tied to a chair with his own belts, knotted together so well that Houdini would have loved the challenge. The room smelled of human feces and urine. Bill Tutors had lost control of his bladder and bowels. He stared up at the men who stood before him, their backs to Kara. On her entrance, Xavier turned first. “He’ll give you what you want to know now.” He leaned in close to the millionaires’ ear. “Tell the lady everything.”
    “She was mine! She was mine!” the man whined.
    Curragh punched him. Hard but not so hard the man lost consciousness. “Tell her!”
    “She was a gift from Viktor! He’s been using my companies to launder money!”
    Kara talked to her wire. “You hear that?”
    Curragh followed his friend out, and as he passed, he closed his eyes. She stared from him to the tied up Tutors, not knowing what to think. The man was still blabbering, tears staining his bumpy cheeks. “Monsters! They’re monsters! Fangs! Their eyes glowed!” Then he crumbled completely. “Viktor…Oh no. I’m dead. I’m a dead man.”
    “Shut up!” Curragh ran in and punched the guy in the head so hard he lost consciousness.
    Kara reached over the top of her dress, screamed like she was being attacked, and ripped the wire apart. She didn’t need any witnesses for this. These men had just gotten a confession out of a man so intelligent he’d probably never have confessed otherwise. He would’ve found a way out, especially with all the money he had at his disposal. She even felt a little jealous.
    “Wait!” she cried out, grabbing his arm. Xavier appeared in the doorway, drawing her focus. From one to the other, her eyes darted as she formulated a plan. “Punch me!”
    “What?” Xavier’s dark eyebrows were drawn tightly together. Curragh just stared at her. He did that a lot.
    “It’s the only way I can cover for you and explain why I’m not taking you in.”
    His friend came over, but Curragh stopped him. “Don’t touch her!” With haunted eyes he stepped closer and lifted her face up by the chin. “I’ll do it.” It happened so fast she didn’t see it coming. But she sure as hell felt it. He looked grim as she held onto her bloodied nose. “You’re going to have to lie down to make this believable.” There was a kindness in his tone that was new. She nodded and slipped down to the floor as sirens sounded in the distance. He told her, “Close your eyes.”
    She hesitated, then did as he asked. Lying there in the horrible smell, she listened to them leave. The millionaire’s insane ramblings echoed in her mind. They’re monsters. Fangs! Their eyes glowed ! She remembered Curragh passing her and closing his eyes as he did. Was he hiding a glow? It was impossible, but why couldn’t she let it go? Then she remembered all the easy cases in New York, where bad people confessed to crimes and said the exact same thing. Monsters. Glowing eyes.
    She shook it off and waited for the police to come. She didn’t believe in fairy tales. Life had taught her there were no happy endings, and no monsters either, save for men like Kruglov and Tutors.
    Minutes later, two detectives from the task force, Rodriguez and Slater, were leaning down to wake her and see if she was okay. Others filed into the room, some in uniform. They’d been in the area when they got the call. She pretended to come to, faking confusion.
    “What happened?” Rodriguez asked.
    “I…uh…” Kara grabbed her cheek, then her nose, and stood up. Her adrenaline was through the roof, lying to him. She didn’t lie to her own. But on the outside she appeared drowsy,

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