Slaves of the Mastery
said. ‘Fortunately, she seems to have taken a liking to you.’
    Kestrel said nothing to this. She decided she had better return to the carriage. But the handsome soldier reached out his silver hammer to detain her. She noticed then that the end of its shaft
was fashioned into a fine sharp blade.
    ‘Do you know who I am?’
    ‘I am Zohon, Commander of the Johjan Guards. After the Johanna himself, I’m the most powerful man in all the Sovereignty of Gang.’
    He looked round, to make sure that no one was near enough to overhear him, and he lowered his voice.
    ‘If you help me, I’ll help you.’
    ‘Help you do what?’
    ‘The Johdila is being taken to a country known as the Mastery. She’s to marry the son of its ruler.’ Zohon’s lips curled into a sneer. ‘A fine gentleman who goes in
for robbing and burning and taking slaves. His son will make a fine sort of husband for the daughter of the Johanna of Gang, don’t you think?’
    ‘They take slaves?’
    ‘The wealth of the Mastery is built on slaves.’
    Kestrel saw again the horsemen bursting into the arena of Aramanth, and the screaming people running before their swords. She shivered.
    ‘How can the Johdila be given to such people?’
    ‘How indeed?’ Zohon saw the horror on her face, and he approved. ‘The marriage must be stopped.’
    There came a bustle all up and down the caravan. The carriages were about to start moving again. A servant passed nearby, carrying the sacred chicken in its cage. Zohon saw the royal augur
following behind, and knew that Ozoh had seen him.
    ‘We’ll talk later,’ he hissed to Kestrel. And turning aside, he sauntered nonchalantly away towards his men.
    When Kestrel rejoined the Johdila’s carriage, she found Sisi out of bed and seated at her mirror-table. This table had six mirrors so placed that she could see herself from every angle.
Lunki stood behind her, and together they were repairing the ravages of the night.
    ‘Where have you been?’ asked Sisi, spotting Kestrel in one of the mirrors.
    ‘Just walking,’ Kestrel replied.
    ‘Walking? In the open air? Your skin will dry out.’
    This turned her attention back to her own lustrous creamy skin.
    ‘It seems so unfair,’ she complained, ‘that I should have to lay my head on a pillow when I sleep. I can’t help turning over in the night, and I know for a certain fact
that it makes wrinkles. Look, darling! That line wasn’t there yesterday.’
    ‘We can pat it out, sweetie. Lunki will pat it away for her baby.’
    Lunki was as deeply engaged in the Johdila’s appearance as the Johdila herself. It was understood between them that Sisi was beautiful for both of them. In a wider sense, Sisi was
beautiful for all the Sovereignty of Gang, as was indicated by her titles, the Pearl of Perfection, Radiance of the East, and the Delight of a Million Eyes.
    ‘My neck has grown fatter. I’m sure of it.’
    ‘No, sweetie. It’s only the way the shadows fall.’ Lunki massaged soft oils into her mistress’s skin. ‘Now why doesn’t my baby drink the smallest glass of
    ‘Don’t bully me, darling. I feel as if today will be a fat day.’
    The Johdila was so slender and lissom of form that Kestrel found it hard to believe she was the daughter of her parents. Sisi assured her that her mother had been as slender as she was, before
her marriage.
    ‘It’s marriage that makes you fat. That, and having babies. I don’t think I shall have any babies. Lunki can have them for me. Would you do that for me, Lunki darling? Do say
you will.’
    ‘No need to worry about that for now, my precious. There’s the marrying to be done with first.’
    ‘Yes, I know.’
    ‘What sort of man is it you’re marrying?’ Kestrel asked, wondering how much the Johdila knew.
    ‘Oh, someone or other.’ Sisi’s mind was running along a different track. ‘What is it married women actually do, Lunki?’
    ‘Do, sweetie? How do you mean?’
    ‘They must do

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