Every Perfect Gift

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Book: Every Perfect Gift by Dorothy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorothy Love
Tags: Ebook, book
better. I’m exhausted, but I wouldn’t miss church on account of it. Sunday isn’t Sunday without Reverend Whiting’s sermon.”
    Robbie smiled at Sophie and slid an arm around the woman’s waist. “Sophie Caldwell, I’d like you to meet my wife, Ethelinda.”
    “I assumed as much.” Sophie nodded to the woman. “Happy to meet you. Robbie and I are old friends.”
    “So I heard.” Ethelinda smiled up at her husband. “He says you were quite a storyteller back then. I’m sure your newspaper enterprise will benefit from your skills. And the town will certainly benefit from having a local paper.”
    “I hope so.”
    Ethelinda laid a hand on her husband’s arm. “Robert, dear, the Huffsteads are leaving, and the mister wants a word with you. I asked him to call at the parsonage this afternoon, but he insists it’s urgent.”
    “I’d best see to him, then.” Robbie clasped Sophie’s hand. “We should go. I’m awfully glad you came today.”
    He and his wife hurried to greet the departing worshippers.
    “You are coming out to the house, aren’t you?” Gillie said. “Ican promise you that Mother’s barbecue will taste much better than anything you’ll get at the Verandah.”
    “If we’re going to ride, I’ll need to change my dress.”
    “We can stop at the Verandah for your clothes.” Gillie led the way to her rig. “You can change after dinner.”

    The two friends made the five-mile drive to the Gilmans’ place in companionable silence, enjoying the beauty and the unusual warmth of the day. The lane leading to the house was crowded with wagons and rigs and carriages. People spilled from the porches onto the grass. Women gathered in groups near the house, enjoying the sun and chatting. The men lined up against the fence, studying the Gilmans’ horses and those of the Rutledges next door.
    Spying Sophie, Carrie Rutledge broke away and crossed the lawn to greet her. “I didn’t know you were coming today, but I’m so glad you did. Charlotte will be delighted to see you. She was quite taken with you when you visited us.”
    “She’s darling. I’m glad to see you too. You put me in mind of Ada. I miss her terribly.”
    Carrie patted Sophie’s hand. “I’m sure she misses you too. Have you heard from her since you arrived here?”
    “Two letters last week. Lilly twisted an ankle chasing after Wade, but otherwise they’re all fine.”
    “Mrs. Rutledge, will you excuse us?” Gillie said. “We’re starved. I hope Mother saved me a piece of pie.”
    “You might have to wrestle my husband for it. I have never met a man more in love with chess pie.”
    Gillie laughed. “Come on, Sophie. I’ll introduce you to Mother, and then we can eat.”
    She led the way to the dining room where a large buffet was setwith bone china and glittering crystal. A woman Sophie assumed was Mrs. Gilman moved among her guests, regal as a queen. Gillie caught her eye. “Mother, may I introduce Miss Sophie Caldwell? She’s the new owner of the Gazette .”
    “So I hear.” Mrs. Gilman crossed her ample arms and eyed Sophie from head to toe, taking in her ruffled shirtwaist and simple skirt.
    Sophie felt her face go warm at such cold scrutiny, but she met the older woman’s steady gaze.
    “Of course my daughter’s friends are always welcome here,” Mrs. Gilman said. “But I do hope you won’t monopolize Sabrina’s time. There are several young men here who—”
    “Come on, Sophie,” Gillie said in a rush. “Let’s get some barbecue before it’s all gone.”
    They filled their plates and settled down on the porch steps to eat. While Sophie devoured slices of barbecued pork, mounds of mashed potatoes, and fruit compote served in a tiny hand-painted cup, Gillie regaled her with stories of her rounds with Dr. Spencer and her dream of opening an infirmary in town.
    “Hickory Ridge is growing so much, Doc Spencer can’t always get to everyone who needs him in a timely fashion.” Gillie polished off

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