The Blood Will Run

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Book: The Blood Will Run by E.A. Abel Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.A. Abel
his luck to fall hopelessly in love with a Shayvan. Alivia was a guardian.
    Now, what was he going to do? Could he tell her what he was? What Devin was? And what she was? Would she freak out and run away?
    Would she still love him the same?
    “Damn, I can’t believe this,” Chace said.
    “Be quiet Chace, you’ll wake up Alivia. How are we going to explain that we’re sitting outside of her window? She’ll think we’re stalkers or something.”
    “What are we going to do Devin?”
    “We’re going to sit Alivia down and explain everything.”
    “What if she doesn’t feel the same about me after that?”
    “Come on Chace, really? You’re worried about whether or not she’ll still love you? You’re not the least bit concerned that she might be killed by Vanstrauss?”
    “ Of course I am. It makes it kind of hard to protect her if she hates me, though.”
    “I’m going to see if Mercy knows anything about
    Vanstrauss that could help us,” Devin said and sped off through the woods.
    Chace stayed in the tree outside of Alivias’ window. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched Alivia sleep. Her long slender curves outlined her beautiful body under her blanket. Her hair was resting on her pillow and shimmered in the morning light. He sighed and listened to her breathing as she took even breaths. He tried to swallow the fear, but it was next to impossible. He couldn’t help but worry about what she would think or do when he had to explain what she was and what he and Devin were. He played out different scenarios in his head, but they all ended up with her hating him. He decided that he had no choice. He had to tell her no matter what and keep her safe. He would just break the news gently and start from the very beginning.

    D evin waited outside the Witchittin Shop for Mercy. Minutes later, Mercy pulled up in her car and stopped beside the sidewalk in front of the shop.
    She got out and popped the trunk. She pulled out a few bags, slammed down the hood and walked to where he was standing leaning up against the brick wall. 
    “Hey stranger,” she said as she unlocked the door to the shop.
    “Good morning, Mercy.”
    “What brings you to the shop so early?” she asked as she walked around the counter to stand behind it.
    “I’m here because I need your help.”
    Devin explained everything starting from Lawson to Vanstrauss. When he finished, Mercy had an expression of surprise on her face.
    “You’re a sunvamp?” Mercy asked.
    “None of that matters. We need to talk about Vanstrauss and find a way to stop him from getting through to the physical realm.”
    “I can’t help you.” Mercy held her hands out in front of her and a blast of light took to the air and headed straight toward Devin.
    He stepped back, but the strangest thing happened. The blast of light stopped and faded just inches in front of him.
    Mercy tried again and failed once more.
    Devin looked puzzled. “I don’t understand what is happening here. Are you trying to kill me?”
    “My family has hunted the sunvamps for centuries. To their knowledge, there was only one in existence. How are you a sunvamp? How is this even possible?”
    “We were cloaked long ago. But none of that matters. Come on Mercy, you can’t honestly believe after all this time that I’m a threat to you,” Devin said.
    “I have to admit that so far you’ve been pretty harmless. But there must be a reason my ancestors’ hunted sunvamps.”
    Devin shrugged.
    Mercy grabbed an old large book from under the counter and opened it.
    She read aloud,
    “ I have only encountered one sunvamp in my ninety-three years of life. The sunvamp was unstoppable. No spell or any form of magic affected this abomination. I had to summon the Witchittin council. After endless hours of discussion, the council decided to consult the Oracle of
    Greece. I, Mother English risked my life to travel through the forbidden

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