Chasing the Moon

Read Online Chasing the Moon by A. Lee Martinez - Free Book Online

Book: Chasing the Moon by A. Lee Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Lee Martinez
Knitting. Madness. Death. We all find a way of coping, Number Five.”
    His dark eyes focused on a point on a distant horizon. He chuckled through a tight, closed mouth. Then an awkward silence, at least as far as Diana was concerned, passed between them. She suspected West didn’t even notice.
    “Uh… thanks,” she said.
    Something crashed inside his apartment. Grumbling, he went back to deal with the problem. She hoped Barcelona or Paris or whatever else would be okay, but it wasn’t her problem anymore. Her problem was waiting in her apartment.
    And he was not alone.
    Vom the Hungering sat on the sofa. The green-furred monster had something stuck in his mouth. His cheek bulged. She wondered if it was a whole pig or a small child and decided she’d rather not know.
    The giant rubber hedgehog hunched beside the coffee table.
    “I know I saw it go under here,” he said. “I think it ran into the kitchen,” said Vom. “Oh, hey, Diana.” He grinned. Glimpses of red velvet showed between his sharp teeth. He spit out the sofa pillow he’d been sucking on like an industrial-sized Life Saver.
    “Sorry. Helps to keep my mind off my eating disorder.”
    He returned the saliva-coated pillow to its spot on the couch.
    “One day at a time and all that,” said Vom.
    She was annoyed, but only for a moment. Having Vom devour pillows was preferable to anything else that came to mind. She could’ve lived without his slimy drool soaking into the upholstery, but it wasn’t her couch.
    The hedgehog stood. He held a miniature version of himself in one hand.
    “Oh, hello,” said the monster to Diana.
    “Diana, this is Unending Smorgaz,” said Vom.
    “Hi,” she said.
    “Do you want to take care of this for me, Vom?” Smorgaz threw his miniature to Vom, who snapped it down in a single bite. “Thanks.”
    “No problem.”
    Diana wanted to sit down but didn’t want to sit next to Vom and his indiscriminate jaws. The air shimmered, and a recliner materialized beside her. She wasn’t sure if she had caused it or if the apartment itself had created the chair, but it seemed a moot point. She plopped into the recliner.
    “Smorgaz, could you excuse us a moment?” she asked. “I need to talk to Vom.”
    “Say no more. Think I’ll go for a walk. Anyone want anything while I’m out?”
    “Could you bring back a few dozen pizzas?” asked Vom. Diana could’ve probably wished for pizzas, but eating magical pizzas conjured up from the nethersphere didn’t sound very appetizing.
    “Sure thing. Do you want the pizza delivery guy too?”
    Vom’s stomach growled. Literally, the mouth on his gut grumbled, licking its lips.
    “No pizza delivery guys,” said Diana. “Or gals. Or puppies or kittens or anything like that.”
    Vom frowned. “Can we at least get sausage on the pizzas?”
    “Okay, a dozen sausage pizzas coming up.” Smorgaz trundled out the door, but she stopped him.
    “Do you have any money?”
    “How do you intend to pay?”
    “Pay?” Smorgaz tilted his head at an angle and a most curious expression crossed his face. “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the question.”
    “You have to pay for them somehow.”
    “I do?”
    Unending Smorgaz glanced at Vom, who shrugged.
    “She’s unconventional.”
    Diana contemplated how Smorgaz planned on securing those pizzas, but, of course, he was a monster. Monsters didn’t carry cash. They just took what they wanted without thought for the consequences. That wouldn’t do. She couldn’t unleash a beast into the streets to terrorize every pizza delivery vehicle he stumbled across.
    She pulled some cash out of her wallet and handed it to Smorgaz. “Just seven blocks south, on the Corner of O’Brian and Swaim, there’s a little shop that sells two medium cheese pizzas for a good price.”
    “Only two?” whined Vom. “And what about the sausage?”
    “Fine.” She gave Smorgaz another few dollars and some change to cover

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