
Read Online Inhuman by Danielle Q. Lee - Free Book Online

Book: Inhuman by Danielle Q. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Q. Lee
    Most days, my mind drifted over the borders of sane and insane. I could literally feel the line where my thoughts delved into the world of crazy. I was at the point where I didn’t care if I lived or died anymore. My survival instincts had betrayed me.
    Some days, I cried all day. Some days I raged and beat my hands bloody against everything in my tiny white cell. Some days, I beat myself bloody, disgusted with the creature that I’d become.
    I hated not knowing what I was.
    Was I an alien? Was I some gross mutation?
    A mutant. The thought made me nauseous.
    Maybe Meyers was right. Maybe I was just a freak. A freak of nature.
    How fragile the balance of one’s humanity is. What is the line anyways? What makes someone human versus inhuman? Don’t feelings count? A soul? Didn’t I too, have a soul buried deep within me? A consciousness?
    Why did my blood, or my DNA, something so insignificant, get to decide whether or not I was human? How fickle the human race was to accept me as one of their own at face value, but reject me at a microscopic level. How flimsy the standard of human rights become when they are scrutinized at a genetic level.
    Can this get any worse?
    Chapter 8
    Hot droplets kissed every inch of my skin and rolled over my body as though caressing me. Cascading through my hair and running off my shoulders, the water hugged me at every contour like an appreciative lover. Steam rose and hovered in the air around me, cocooning me in a blanket made of mist. Raising my chin to greet the oncoming waterfall of warmth, I allowed a small and grateful smile to grace my lips.
    The highlight of my day…a shower. The one place where an unbiased element nurtured me without a judgmental stare or awkward gaze.
    Walking down the hall behind the armed guard, taking me to and from my daily bathing, I received nothing but sideways glances or avoidance from passing agents and workers. It was like being a leper of society without any visual proof of illness.
    Drying off and dressing myself in the standard white jumpsuit issued to me after my clothes had ‘mysteriously’ been cut off, I was led back to my room.
    Breakfast was always waiting for me when I returned. Day after day, the routine was the same—until today.
    Agent Evans was standing in the middle of my cell when I returned. His face looked pale and he seemed agitated. I couldn’t help but notice the worried frown on his face.
    “Is something wrong?” I asked, suddenly concerned for my own welfare. Briefly, my mind wandered to Agent Meyers and his assaults, hoping that maybe he’d been caught and Agent Evans was going to put a stop to it.
    “Wrong?” He sighed as he shifted his weight from one foot to another. “I don’t know if I’d call it wrong .”
     I sure hoped he didn’t mean that what Agent Meyers was doing to me was okay! My hands clenched into fists as I glared at him. Suppressed anger began to flood to the surface of my body. I could feel myself becoming volatile. I envisioned lunging at Agent Evans and tearing at his throat like a wild animal would after being caged and unfed for months.
    A knock at the door invaded my deranged fantasy.
    “Excuse me.” Agent Evans mumbled as he quickly walked to the door. The door cracked open slightly, I couldn’t see who was on the other side, but Agent Evans had a very quiet conversation with that person.
    Wishing I had better hearing, I tilted my head in their general direction. I focused all my attention to my ears in hopes of catching anything, even just a word, a sentence, something, but I couldn’t make anything out.
    Apparently these people were good at secrecy. I wasn’t surprised. I had determined long ago that they were part of a secret government sect, but it didn’t take a genius to figure that out.
    “Okay, yup, okay.” Agent Evans finished his mysterious conversation with the unknown person on the other side of my cell door. Turning his attention to me, I

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