
Read Online Wanted by Annika James - Free Book Online

Book: Wanted by Annika James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annika James
Tags: young adult paranormal romance
I’d ever told Cora even. “He’s everywhere,” I continued. My voice dropped to just above a whisper, but Conor would have no trouble hearing me. “In my dreams at night, in my daydreams, all I can think about some days. He shows up everywhere. I’m kinda obsessed, and I can’t do anything about it. I’m just drawn to him. I feel like…”
    I glanced back into the woods, now almost completely dark. Looking back at Conor, I could see his eyes almost glowing. I foraged on.
    “I feel like we’re connected somehow. Weird, crazy, I know. Cora thinks I’m crazy, Matt thinks I’m crazy. Yet, I can’t help how I feel.” I stopped and took a breath.
    He was frozen, watching me, like he was afraid if he moved, I would run. His lips curved up a little, his only movement. I waited. Waited for him to laugh, to confirm I was crazy. To tell me to forget the whole thing because I was definitely loony. He just sat there, mouth shut. I pulled my zipper up and down, and blew out a breath. “So imagine my reaction when said hot boy corners me in his library and proceeds to seduce me.” I grinned wryly.
    He leaned away in shock. “Seduce you?”
    I rolled my eyes. “Please! Poetry?” I scoffed. “Like you didn’t have that planned?”
    His laughter filled the car. I couldn’t help but join in.
    “Truth?” he asked when he’d sobered a little. I nodded.
    “I was nervous. I had no idea how to start a conversation when I found you, let alone ask you what I wanted to. I thought it would break the ice a little. But—” It was his turn to look away. “I told you, I really wanted to kiss you. I just got caught up in the moment, and—well, you know—” He shrugged and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.
    I did know. “Um. Yeah. Well, imagine how I felt when I realized you meant to bite me, without asking me first. I thought…I thought you were just using me, kissing me to soften me up so you could get what you wanted. That’s when I panicked. I was scared and angry.” I couldn’t look at him now, remembering the first wave of humiliation.
    “I know,” he whispered. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am.” He’d already apologized so many times. I had to move on. I knew he felt bad.
    “I know,” I repeated his words. “I just felt stupid. And then I found out my best friend had told you I liked you. It was just…embarrassing.” I raised a shoulder and tilted my head, hoping he understood my predicament.
    He reached across the console and took my hand. The cold vampire thing was all bunk, because his touch warmed me. “Which is why I want to start over with you. Can we do that?”
    My immediate reaction was just to say yes, to give into his pleading eyes. I hesitated, studying him. His mouth turned down at the corners, forehead creased in concern. “What do you want from me, Conor?”
    He looked taken aback, eyes widening, but recovered quickly. “A chance to be friends, to earn your trust, and the possibility you might eventually find me worthy of having you as my familiar. In return, I can protect you. I can give you friendship and trust. All the same I’m asking of you, I’ll give you.”
    I nodded slowly as I digested his words, ignoring the twinge in my gut. He hadn’t said he wanted to date me. Was it just an omission, or did he really just want to be friends? I could be just friends with Conor, really. “Okay.” I covered up my disappointment with a small smile. “We can start over.”
    His face relaxed into a grin and he gave my hand a squeeze before letting go to start the car. “Great. Can I take you to dinner? You must be starving by now.”
    I couldn’t help but laugh. “Dinner? Like dinner out?”
    He laughed with me. “Yeah, dinner. You know, pizza, talk, get to know each other.”
    “Yeah, sure. I just have to call my mom.”
    She picked up on the second ring. “Ashlinn? You missed dinner.”
    I closed my eyes in resignation. My mom wasn’t much for pretense. “I know.

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