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Book: Wanted by Annika James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annika James
Tags: young adult paranormal romance
I’m sorry. Um, actually, Conor wants to take me to dinner. Is that all right?”
    Her hesitation was obvious, followed by a heavy sigh. “Fine. Ashlinn, be home before ten.”
    The glowing numbers on the dashboard clock said 7:45 “I will, way before. Promise.”
    “Be careful,” she said before hanging up.
    We went to a little pizzeria. We talked. Conor was just a normal guy, like Matt, although full of major hotness. Once I was caught up in eating, I had no problem making conversation with him. He didn’t seem to want to run out on dinner, so he must have liked hanging out with me as well.
    On the walk back to his car after dinner, he looked down at me, lips pursed, eyebrows dipping low.
    “School’s going to be a little different for you now,” he commented.
    My nose scrunched in confusion. “Why? Because I smell good to vamps?”
    His lips twisted in amusement. “Somewhat, yes. Every time you use your power, you get stronger. And since you used it last night, you’ll show up on some vamps’ radar more now.”
    “Great. So am I going to be accosted by guys all day like you did last night?” I mused.
    “Are you going to get past that soon? I can only apologize so many times.”
    “I know. I’m sorry.” I laughed. “I just have to give you a hard time.”
    “To answer your question, no, I doubt they will try to bite you in the hallways.” He looked at the moon, a bright, curved slash in the night sky, as he opened the car door for me. “I honestly don’t know if you are as appealing to everyone as you are to me. Sorry.”
    I waited until he was in and had started the car before replying. “No need to apologize. Pretty sure there are a lot worse guys who could be lusting after me than you,” I teased him.
    He shook his head. “Not exactly lusting.” He glanced at me sideways. “Okay, well, maybe a little,” he admitted with a crooked grin.
    I tried not to smile too big, my stomach fluttered. I had meant lusting after my power. I wondered briefly how he meant it. When he pulled into my driveway, he looked at me again, his clear green eyes shining in the dark of the car.
    “Thank you.” His voice was low, seductive. “For tonight.” A nervous tension suddenly hung between us, filling the small space. I felt like I should kiss him goodnight, like it was what was supposed to happen. However, we weren’t dating, we were barely friends. I saw his fists clench and unclench on the steering wheel.
    “Thank you for being so honest.” My voice was just above a whisper.
    “Anytime.” I opened the car door and made to get out. “Ashlinn.”
    I froze, waiting.
    He hesitated, staring out the windshield, before turning to me, resigned. “See you tomorrow.”
    I let out the breath I’d been holding. “See you tomorrow, Conor.” I got out and shut the door, feeling strangely unfulfilled.

Chapter Seven
    I had never been so aware of everyone around me as I was Monday morning at school. Vampires, witches, and humans used to all look the same to me. But that morning, I noticed each and every vamp on my way to my locker. Our school had a small witch population. I idly wondered, not for the first time, why I wasn’t friends with more witches. It sure would have saved me some drama. Fate had brought me Matt and Cora, and I wouldn’t trade my friends for anything. I found Matt waiting for me near my locker. As I approached, he avoided my eyes. I spun my lock. “This is what you meant when you said you had to obey?” I glanced at him.
    He leaned on the locker next to me, staring across the hall like there was some great mystery on the wall he had to figure out. “I knew you wouldn’t agree to becoming a familiar. But I had to tell you. It has to be done,” he said as though telling me someone close to me had died. He turned to me, eyes boring into mine.
    “I can do it, Ash,” he said then with quiet, steely conviction. “We’re best friends anyway. It’s not like we can’t stand each

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