The Glass Wall (Return of the Ancients Book 1)
short time later, Al came home with free movie passes a customer at the tire shop had given him. Everyone tried to convince me to go, but I was too engrossed in my research. I had to know more about Jareth.
    “Just leave her alone, honey,” Betty said, sending Al a knowing smile. “She just won special passes to the Jareth concert and they put her into a Jareth mood.”
    Al squinted over my shoulder at the full-body shot of Jareth I had up on the screen. He was dressed in black pants with no shirt, his muscular abs exposed, his arms widespread, and his hair blowing in all directions with his eyes ringed in black eyeliner and streaked with silver eye shadow.
    “Reminds me of that neighbor kid, Rafael,” Al grunted.
    I glanced at Al in surprise. I was beginning to think that underneath that gruff exterior he was actually quite perceptive.
    He tousled my hair before throwing one arm around Betty and the other around Grace to herd them out the door.
    I returned to my research.
    I didn’t really know what I was looking for, but I knew there had to be something odd out there, somewhere, about Jareth. I immersed myself in reading the forums and it was some time before I realized that I was alone once again. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I grew uncomfortable.
    I was just about ready to turn the computer off and escape to my room, when I saw a strange entry on one of the forums.
    The subject heading read: “Jareth doesn’t exist! It’s a conspiracy!”

    Chapter Seven - Jareth Doesn’t Exist!
    Shivering a little, I clicked on the discussion titled Jareth doesn’t exist! It’s a conspiracy!
    It was an entry dated about three weeks ago and posted by someone named “Jung Lin - in Covina, CA”. Written as one big paragraph, it was difficult to comprehend. On my third pass of trying to understand it, I began to read it aloud to myself in little chunks:
Jareth doesn’t really exist. He appeared out of nowhere six months ago and had someone cleverly fake a background to make it seem as if he has been here all along when he really hasn’t been. There’s no real record of him before six months ago. I went to the school that he was supposed to have attended and he was never there. None of us remembers him. His agent won’t answer me anymore. As a journalist, I can smell a rotten story a mile away and this one reeks. I tracked him down and when I asked him about the fake school record, he ended the interview abruptly and I was fired from my job on the next day! But he picked the wrong woman to do this to!
    There was a whole line of those frowning-face emoticons, followed by a line of exclamation points in bold. Then, some very strange sentences began. Ones that sent chills down my spine.
I started following him. He isn’t human. He can disappear into a cloud. He can make things appear out of the air. He can talk to animals. He meets with other beings that mysteriously appear out of thin air. Every one of them adds Equal to their water before drinking it. They never touch anything metallic. It seems to cause them problems. I managed to overhear one of their conversations once and they said that the Snake Brotherhood is causing problems and that they can’t find a Fate Tracker named Melody. He said it had to do something with the mysterious ‘blue-thread’ that suddenly appeared and Jareth said these words, and I quote directly: ‘My rival is shrouding my sight. Why is he down here on Earth and why won’t the Inner Circle get rid of him?’ Then that bird flew over me. It landed on Jareth’s shoulder and whispered in his ear. I know that blasted pigeon told him where I was because he stopped talking abruptly and started running toward me and I barely managed to escape.
    I swallowed and quit reading aloud.
    At this point, Jung Lin started talking more about the Snake Brotherhood. I clicked on all the reference links and discovered it referred to a race of reptilian beings that have been

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