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Book: Wanted by Annika James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annika James
Tags: young adult paranormal romance
other. And friends last longer than boyfriends anyway.” He held a hand out. “What if… What if Conor decides someday he doesn’t want to be with you anymore? Then you’re stuck in a bond with someone who wants out, but you can’t really get out without you dying.”
    It wasn’t like I hadn’t thought about that fun little scenario already. Once a familiar stopped sharing blood, the whole live-longer benefit wore off. I shrugged off my doubt. “I suppose the promise of my power will be enough to keep him around. Since that’s why he’s interested in the first place. It should only get stronger, right?”
    I looked down the hallway, away from his too serious gaze. I was afraid of the implications of his stare and where this conversation was going. I so did not want to go there. Not with Matt. Not today. Not ever.
    Matt blew out a short breath. “It’s not just your power, Ash. He told you. You are…” He stopped, face reddening. My stomach sank. Oh, shit. His eyes softened while mine widened. I did. Not. Want. To. Do. This.
    He cleared his throat and looked away. “He really does like you, is all,” he finished in a rough voice. His fingers came up to my cheek in a featherlight touch, accompanied by a smile I’d never seen from him. “It’s not your power that makes you special, Ash.”
    My heart raced and stomach clenched. Oh, Matt. His hand fell to his side and he gave me his, “I was just joking. No big deal,” smile. A line had been crossed, though, and it was a big deal. I did not want to lose what I had with Matt because I rejected him as a protector.
    “I know you’ve had a thing for him for a long time,” he said softly, “I know. And now…now he likes you back.”
    I took a breath. “Matt. You are my best friend.” I looked him in the eye, willing him to see all the love I did have for him, all the platonic love. “I love you. I don’t want to lose you. You make me feel…safe. Maybe that makes me selfish or whatever, but I already consider you my protector. I don’t want to lose that because I hurt you.”
    I needed Matt in my life, I really did. Just not in the way he apparently wanted me to need him.
    He smiled again, a little sadly. “I know. I’ll be here…for whatever you need, okay? I promise.”
    I nodded and tried to smile through the pain of hurting him. “Thank you.”
    “And if Conor hurts you, I’ll stake him myself.” He grinned wickedly.
    I swatted his arm and laughed, tension broken. “You’d only piss him off.”
    “Well, yeah, it wouldn’t really hurt him, but it would make me feel better.”
    I rolled my eyes and shut my locker. “He’s your friend. You guys should be getting along.”
    I didn’t know where Cora was, so we started to class without her. Matt shrugged, all Joe Cool. “Yeah. Just so you know, if he hurts you…you know…”
    I did. Matt would defend me against anyone, even Conor.
    “I don’t think it’s going to be a problem, Matty. At least, I hope not.”
    “You hope not what?” Conor appeared at my side, making me jump.
    “Um… I hope you don’t hurt me,” I responded, taking in his green eyes, tight polo shirt, and jeans. His gaze flicked to Matt before settling on me.
    “I don’t plan on it.”
    “See, Matt?” I chucked him on the shoulder. “It’s all good for now.”
    His gaze remained locked on Conor over my head as we walked through the hall.
    “For now,” he repeated, dryly.
    I sighed. Would things ever go back to normal now? Where was the fun, joking Matt I loved?
    “Hey, Ashlinn.”
    My attention was diverted to Jonah Strang, who was walking toward us with a couple of friends. He smiled and waved. Jonah was cute, blond hair, brown eyes, vamp. “Hey Jonah,” I replied as we walked by. Odd. Jonah had never really talked to me before.
    “Ash. What’s up?” Brady Fry, another vamp, waved at me from his locker to get my attention. I faltered a little. A knot of apprehension formed in the middle of my

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