Vampire's Companion
with the slave bands, so he could accompany Karen.
    “You don’t really think you can leave it there, do you?” Tessa said. “Has the department made a ruling on the shooting?”
    “Case related?”
    “Yes. It started with a missing girl, Brittany Armstrong, and got strange.”
    Tessa perked up. “How strange?”
    Cia stopped concentrating on her plate. She favored him with a thinned-lipped stare. “Kids wanting to become vampires. Black magic ceremonies.”
    “Okay, that’s freaky, even for Vegas. And the shooting?”
    “It happened at a place called Toppers. My partner was there. Right after I walked in his… Skye was attacked in a tight hallway. She had a knife. The guy had a gun. He fought like a cornered animal that didn’t intend to die alone. There was only one way to stop it.”
    Her hand trembled. Israel stood but Tessa was there first, bending down to give Cia a hug. “First time, right?”
    “It takes a while to process. Then it gets better. I know. I’ve been there.” Tessa gave Cia another quick hug then returned to her seat. “Why does the name Skye ring a bell?”
    Cia’s knuckles whitened on the fork. “Skye Delano. The captain has a file on her.”
    “The vigilante.”
    “That’s the one.”
    “Now that I’m not a cop anymore, I don’t have to be so upset by the idea of someone taking out child molesters.”
    “I know, I know. All black and white with no gray, otherwise there’s chaos. But—”
    “No buts.”
    “Moving on then, I gather your partner is dating Skye.”
    Israel’s laugh was met by Cia’s scowl. He sent her a smile that was equal parts challenge and wicked satisfaction. “More than dating. Only death will separate the three of them.”
    “Three?” Tessa stood. “Now it’s killing me that I don’t have time to hear all the details. I should already be on my way to the airport.”
    “You want me to drive you?” Cia asked.
    “No. I’m good.” Tessa fished a set of keys from her pocket, handing them to Cia. “Donna Kramer’s phone number and address are on my desk. Walk me to my car?”
    Cia left the kitchen table. Israel followed, stopping in the house doorway.
    The two of them continued to Tessa’s car, a hybrid like Cia’s, except a Prius instead of a LEAF. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t have been able to hear Tessa’s reassurance that Cia would ultimately be able to handle having taken a life in the course of doing her job.
    The blood connection changed that. His to Terach’s. Terach’s to Cia. As if the leash of his slavery had been transferred from vampire to companion.
    His lips pulled back at the analogy. The lingering taste of macaroni salad turned bitter on his tongue, only fading when the topic of conversation changed.
    “You don’t have a thing for your partner, do you?”
    He might have laughed at the way Cia’s spine straightened except the possibility of it made him ache. He’d wanted Terach long before he knew about vampires, would have gladly accepted a wedding band where now he craved the companion necklace he couldn’t even be sure Cia wore.
    “We’re just partners, that’s all.”
    Truth. Reluctant truth from the sound of her voice. She stood in profile and he couldn’t be certain without reading her expression.
    “Good. Because I really like Israel. He’s a keeper.”
    “You just met him.”
    “So? I’m a good judge of character. My gift and lucky for me it comes in handy in my line of work. Whatever you two are fighting about, kiss and make up. I changed the sheets by the way.”
    His cock pulsed, desire moving through him. Cia’s slim figure appealed to him. She was small-breasted, her hair worn short, emphasizing her femininity rather than masking it.
    They hugged.
    “Have fun,” Cia said.
    “You too.”
    Tessa got in her car. Cia watched her drive away, giving him another glimpse at what it might be like to be cared about by her.
    Join us , Terach had

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