Vampire's Companion
said, and he could more readily imagine her lying on the bed between them, his hands and mouth exploring her, the two of them discovering the ways she liked to be touched.
    She turned, catching him looking and accurately reading his thoughts.
    Heat sparked between them with memories of what she’d witnessed.
    He touched his chest, fingers brushing across a nipple bar. A blush spread across her cheeks before her chin lifted and she became tight-lipped again. Prickly.
    Too late. The damage was already done.
    Now the challenge was how far would he get with her before nightfall arrived? And Terach soon after?
    Cia managed to suppress a shiver of need. Barely. But the rest of her body betrayed her.
    Heat coiled in her stomach, sliding downward to dampen her panties. Her nipples ached, wanting the same attention he was giving his own.
    His thin black tank top did nothing to hide the taut muscles or that both his nipples were pierced. He could earn a living as a gigolo, not that Terach needed to pay for sex. He probably had his share of offers from both sexes every night at Fangs.
    Her lips mashed together further. She refused to think about his asking anyone else to his room, though clearly he had and that person was blocking the doorway.
    Answers. That’s all I want.
    She just had to endure Israel’s company until nightfall.
    This time she couldn’t suppress the shiver. It didn’t take a great leap of imagination or even much in the way of deductive ability to figure out that Terach would come to Ventura.
    Not my problem.
    The lie didn’t even have the grace to harden into resolve.
    “Move,” she said at reaching the door.
    He yielded just enough space for her to pass, but not enough to avoid brushing against him and inhaling Terach’s cologne, either because they used the same brand or it still clung to Israel’s skin.
    Her nipples tightened. She clamped her jaw but caught the flash of a knowing smile. She ignored it the same way she tried to do him, finding Tessa’s office and tearing the top page off a legal tablet in the center of the desk.
    Donna Kramer answered immediately, her gratitude pulsing through the phone when Cia identified herself and said she could start looking for Kadence as soon as they met.
    “My car or yours?” Israel asked when the called ended. He lounged in the office doorway as seductively as he’d done at the front door.
    She punched Donna’s address into the GPS then started the car.
    This was a mistake. Yards from the end of the long driveway she rolled down the window in the hope that his scent and smoldering sensuality would be sucked out of the car and replaced by normalcy.
    It didn’t help.
    He asked, “Why did Tessa think you had a thing for Rico?”
    The car jerked to the side as if a student driver was behind the wheel.
    “Eavesdropping is considered rude.”
    He laughed. “Oh, that’s right, you’re a woman who sees the world in black and white.”
    So what? She refused to defend herself.
    He leaned in, voice dropping. “I meant what I said at the table. Only death breaks the bond between an Angelini and either of their mates.”
    A chill swept over her despite the warm air blowing into the car. He was baiting her. She knew it.
    Angelini wasn’t anywhere in the captain’s file on Skye.
    Maybe it needed to be.
    And what would that mean for my relationship with Rico?
    Her fingernails dug into the steering wheel. He’d made his choice.
    The female voice on the GPS indicated a turn.
    Israel shrugged. “It’s your bullet that ended a man’s life.”
    She stopped hard at the corner, rocking the car.
    Get out!
    The words shouted across her tongue but her locked jaw prevented their escape.
    The mechanized female voice said, “Turn right.”
    She turned. Managed a full block of silence before a response erupted. “I was justified.”
    “Absolutely, and no doubt Gian considers himself in your debt. That’s no

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