His Defiant Wife, the Adventures of Linnett Wainwright, Book 2

Read Online His Defiant Wife, the Adventures of Linnett Wainwright, Book 2 by Vanessa Brooks - Free Book Online

Book: His Defiant Wife, the Adventures of Linnett Wainwright, Book 2 by Vanessa Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Brooks
Tags: alpha male, Pirates, spanking, Domestic Discipline, spanking romance, new world, shipwrecked, head of household, high seas
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him. The child
reached out for it and also grabbed a fist full of Linnett’s hair.
The native Indian spoke sharply to the child but he hung on tightly
and began to wail. With a swift movement, the Indian withdrew a
large dagger from his hip, and before Linnett even had time to
register any fear, he cut off the length of hair the child was
holding. Man and horse moved off swiftly, the child waving the toy
horse and a long gleaming rope of Linnett’s hair in the air as they
rode away. A thin wail carried back to her as the child suddenly
realised that Linnett was not attached to the hair he clutched so
hard in his tiny hand.
    Linnett stood
still staring long after the Indians had disappeared. Silent tears
slipped unnoticed down her cheeks. She was startled out of her
reverie by John, who slipped his arms around her from behind,
holding her close, his chin resting on top of her head. After a
while he turned her around and held her close before gently guiding
her indoors. John led Linnett to a chair and bid her sit. He
hunkered down at her side, taking one of her hands in his. “How did
you find the child?” he asked her gently.
    Linnett told
him her tale, and John nodded thoughtfully. He told her of his
meeting in the forest with the three native Indians and of the sign
language conversation that they had. “Hans told us there were no
natives living nearby; I wonder where these came from?” Linnett
    John shook his
head. “I have no idea where they came from, but I think they were
Abenaki. We were lucky; they are the most warrior-like tribe in
these parts. I had the shock of my life when I turned around and
there they were. They made no sound at all.”
    Linnett nodded.
“I know, the baby was so quiet at first and not at all like any
other children I have seen,” she sighed. “Oh John, he was so sweet!
I am going to miss him so!”
    John pulled her
to her feet and wrapped his arms around her. He looked down into
her miserable face. He hated what he had to do next, but Linnett
had disobeyed him once again and the consequences of her actions
had put them both in grave peril. John went to the bed and sat
down, then he patted his knee. Linnett stared at John, astonished,
for there was no doubting his meaning and he was going to spank
    “John, I do not
deserve this.”
    John quirked
his brow and said, “Really? I told you not to leave the cabin
    “If I had
stayed inside that poor baby might have died out there, John!”
    “Linnett do not
interrupt me again! As I said you should have stayed inside; you
have put us both in peril and all because you did not listen to me yet again ! Now show me that you have changed by doing what
any other biddable wife would do and place yourself over my knee
for your punishment. It is either that or your hairbrush, the
choice is yours darlin’.”
struggled internally with the need to flee and the desire to please
her husband. She secretly loved the power that he held over her and
found John an exciting and sensuous mate but she didn’t want to be
spanked! She had saved that child ! She did not deserve
this ! Linnett stamped her foot and glared at John, but he
simply crooked his finger at her, his mouth tight and unsmiling,
his eyebrow quirked and questioning. Linnett took a shuddering
breath and a faltering step. She sidled towards him her hands
clasped behind her, already protecting her threatened derriere.
    John patted his
knee again and Linnett took a deep, shaky breath before bravely
placing herself across her husband’s lap. John flipped up her skirt
and petticoat loosening her drawers and parting them, baring
Linnett’s curvaceous bottom. He rubbed her soft peachy flesh and
began peppering her with small spanks, landing the swats ever
faster and harder over the whole area of Linnett’s bottom, turning
her from blushing pink to hot red.
    Linnett had
been determined to stay proudly silent throughout her ordeal but as
the spanking progressed and

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