His Defiant Wife, the Adventures of Linnett Wainwright, Book 2

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Book: His Defiant Wife, the Adventures of Linnett Wainwright, Book 2 by Vanessa Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Brooks
Tags: alpha male, Pirates, spanking, Domestic Discipline, spanking romance, new world, shipwrecked, head of household, high seas
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John landed more and more spanks on the
tender spot at the top of her legs, Linnett gave into her grief.
She wept at having to say farewell to the lovely little child and
cried because of the stinging spanks landing on her bare bottom.
Very soon she felt sorry for herself and began to wail.
    John grinned.
He knew that his wife had planned to be noble and silent during her
spanking but he also knew she was too damned wilful. Linnett needed
to learn that there would be consequences every time she disobeyed
him. John had to admit that he enjoyed spanking his wife. John
loved the way the flesh of her pretty bottom shivered as he spanked
the bouncy cheeks of her delectable derriere.
    John also
thought that perhaps Linnett needed the release of a spanking to
cry about the child she had given up. It was not a long spanking
however because John was so delighted that his wife had come so
obediently across his knee. Perhaps this might be a turning point
for them both and his wife would be more obedient from here on
    Soon Linnett’s
wails turned into earnest sobs and John tipped her upright, into
his loving arms. He smoothed her hair away from her hot, wet
tearstained face. He kissed away her tears and held her safe in the
circle of his arms.
    Finally, John
wiped Linnett’s wet cheeks with his thumbs. “It looks as though I
shall just have to give you a baby of your own to play with. Would
you like a baby, my dearest girl?”
    Linnett’s mouth
curved into a sweet smile, “Ohh...I should adore a baby John! I
expect you would want a son?”
    John’s eyes
twinkled, “I would love a son....or a daughter, but what I shall
really enjoy is conceiving one with its very beautiful mother!”
    John lowered
his head and kissed her with all the passion of a man who has
abstained for a number of days. Linnett clung to John, amazed by
the desire she felt for this man who had just spanked her. They
tipped sideways onto the bed entwined together, and Linnett prayed
that their lovemaking would bear fruit.
    The days passed
in a whirl of activity, there were so many preparations to make
before the snows came. Both of them were so tired when they fell
into bed at night that all thoughts of making babies were
    The day came
when they awoke to a white covering of powdery snow. Linnett was
thrilled with how pretty everywhere looked. The air had a scent to
it that only a fall of snow can produce, sharp, clean, brittle and
    After the
animals had been seen to, they went for a walk together. “We won’t
be able to walk through the snow soon, not when it falls heavily,”
John told her. “It will be far too deep and very, very cold.”
    Linnett skipped
ahead of him and gathered up a handful of the soft snow, throwing
it at his head but hitting his chest. John charged after her and
there followed a fierce snowball fight which left Linnett gasping
for breath from giggling so much. They trudged home, wet, tired,
and blissfully happy.
    During the next
few weeks, the weather became freezing, and thick snow covered the
ground. As John had predicted, the snow was so deep it was
difficult to walk at all, even over to the barn to tend the
animals. John struggled daily to see to their needs and kept
clearing the never-ending falls of snow from the path he had dug to
the barn and outbuildings. Despite the struggles, Linnett was
enjoying the closeness brought about by the harsh weather, and the
covered landscape was stunning in its cloak of dazzling white.
    Inside the
cabin it was always cosy, and the aromatic smell of Linnett’s daily
baking wafted through the warm indoor air. The fire was kept
constantly in, giving a cheerful glow to the small abode, and the
thick snow on the roof insulated the cabin from the worst of the
cold. The evenings were spent happily in front of the fire when
John would read aloud to Linnett or he would continue her lessons
in the game of chess. He had started to teach her on the ship, but
it had been some time since

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