Cards & Caravans

Read Online Cards & Caravans by Cindy Spencer Pape - Free Book Online

Book: Cards & Caravans by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
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couldn’t wait any longer to taste them, so after swirling around each with his tongue, he drew one into his mouth.
    Belinda whimpered and clutched his head closer. Connor took that as assent and suckled harder, loving the salty taste of her skin, scented with rose petals and plain soap, while one of his hands delved lower, across the slightly rounded curve of her belly to the juncture of her thighs. The crisp curls he found were delightfully wet and slick. When he slid his fingers along her crease, she bucked her hips and whimpered his name.
    “So bloody beautiful,” he murmured as he switched to the other plump breast. Her responsiveness thrilled him. He eased one finger deeper, testing her readiness, and found her tight—far tighter than he would have expected for a widow. Lifting his head he said, “There’s been no one since your husband, has there?” He didn’t know why that pleased him, but it did.
    “No. I’ve never wanted to take a lover before.”
    Something savage and possessive began to coil in Connor’s gut. He wasn’t thinking clearly enough to label it. All he knew was he needed to see to her pleasure because once he got inside her, it would be over far too quickly.
    He found the pearl of her sex and began to stroke it gently, then with a slightly firmer touch as her body told him with moans and small movements, exactly where and how she liked to be petted. In just moments, her hands fisted in the sheets and she cried out his name as her body convulsed. He continued to kiss her breasts, to stroke her sex, until she’d almost calmed. Then he moved over her and once again plundered her lips.
    Meanwhile, he positioned himself at her entrance and slowly pushed his way in, feeling the little ripples of her climax fluttering around him. Nothing, nothing , had ever felt this good.
    He stayed still for a moment, deep inside her core, feeling her damp heat surround him. She was tight, which he’d expected since she’d been celibate for years, but he had anticipated just how amazing that would feel to him. Her arms came up to wrap around his shoulders and that warm embrace seemed to go all the way to his soul. He began to move, slowly at first, then faster as she met each stroke and encouraged him with her fingers digging into his back and her lips dancing with his.
    After just a few thrusts, her head fell back, and she moaned, “Yes.” Her legs twined around his hips, and her entire body contracted in a sharp spasm as she peaked again.
    Her muscles clamping down on his erection finished Connor. He shouted her name as he buried himself deep against her womb. The climax that ripped through him was like nothing he’d ever known grabbing his emotions as well as his ballocks. His body poured itself into her over and over again, until he wasn’t sure there was any life left in him at all.
    “Holy hell,” he murmured into her hair, long moments later, when he could speak at all. “You’re an amazing woman, Belinda.”
    Her chuckle was a bit breathless, but deep and sweet. “I’ve never been quite like that before. Somehow you make me lose all my inhibitions. Thank you.”
    “I’m honored.” He stroked her hair back from her face. “And you’ve got that backward. It’s I who should thank you.” Connor knew there were things they needed to talk about. Important things, including that plan of his. Right now his eyes refused to stay open. He barely remembered to roll to the side so he didn’t crush Belinda as they slept. He did gather her close, as if he never intended to let her go.

Chapter Four
    Belinda woke with the warmth of a man behind her back and instinctively snuggled into the heat. A strong arm tightened around her waist, and lips feathered against the back of her neck. Connor . Odd, how even in her sleep, she’d known exactly who it was.

    “Good morning.” His big hands caressed and soothed her bare skin and his lips shaped the curve of her ear. “I wish we had time to linger and

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