Twist of Fate
anyone else thinks anyway?"   He bent over to remove his shoes, then lifted his shirt over his head, his muscles flexing as he did. I scanned his broad shoulders, enjoying the way his torso perfectly curved in.   He scooted in next to me, wiggled around for a full minute, before turning over.
    "Paige," he whispered.  
    "Hmm," I answered nervously back.
    "Why are you dating that guy? I mean, what's so special about him?"
    I took a second to answer him. "It's not really one thing. He's nice, but I don't really see it going anywhere. It's just fun to have someone to hang out with, y'know? I can't spend every night partying at the frat house for entertainment."
    "Why not?"
    She rolled her eyes, while I was left trying to understand what was so wrong with the house?  
    "What about you? What's with all the girls?"
    He shrugged. "What's there to tell? I like girls."
    I stayed silent, waiting for him to elaborate, when he didn't I nudged him.  
    "Alright, alright, already. Let me start with a few stories to help you understand me, okay?" He relented.
    I nodded excitedly, turning all the way over to face him. I placed my hands under my cheek. "Go ahead."
    "Okay, so guys pretty much think with their dicks, it should be no surprise to the female race, but some of us can be like those fairytales you read about. Look at Tommy for example. Freshman year while he was pledging, he met this girl Audrey, he fell head over heels instantly.   I never saw him so into a girl before. They were inseparable to the point that it was nauseating." He took a breath, and when he did he tucked a piece of my hair back. "Anyway, they'd been dating all year, slept together every fucking night, they'd rotate places. This one night, a senior brother made a bet he didn't have the balls to bag this easy chick at the party. Well, Tommy was wasted, and took that bet. I tried to talk him out of it, but he was tired of being called pussy whipped. He took this girl in the bathroom, even though his girl was in the other room somewhere oblivious. Someone, and I still don't who, told her where he was. She almost ripped that door off the hinges to get in."
    "Oh, my God, what happened."  
    "Tommy just froze. Then bolted after her. We didn't see him for three days. He tried to win her back, but she didn't go for it. He lost her over a fucking guy bet. And, he regrets it everyday I can tell."
    "What about you?"
    "What about me?
    "Tell me your story? Have you ever been in love like that? And, be honest with me."
    "What do you want to know?"
    "What's with all the one nighters, why no girlfriend, or at least a few dates?"
    I sighed, rubbing my hands through my hair. "Been there, done that. It didn't work out so well."
    "So, what, you're not going to ever try again?"
    I shrugged. "Yeah, someday. I mean, shit, Paige, I'm only 20 years old. I'm not even legally supposed to be drinking, how am I supposed to find someone special here? It's like one big orgy."
    She rolled over onto her back, like she'd been in deep in thought, then rolled back over with her elbow resting underneath her, propping up her head.   "What was she like?"
    "The one that got away?"
    "There was more than one, but it was my senior year. Simone and I had been going strong all year. I was in love, or at least I thought I was. One week before school let out for the summer, I surprised her by showing up at her house. She wasn't alone." I laughed thinking about it. "She was with some guy from another school, who I'd occasionally see at parties. I had no idea she was cheating on me. She fucking crushed me."
    Her hand started to run down my arm, until she stopped and squeezed my hand. "I'm sorry. Girls can be real bitches sometimes." She said, then continued a few seconds later, "What happened with the other one?"
    I gulped, staring at the ceiling. Trying to avoid her eyes, her question, how good it felt to have her next to me. "What do you mean?"
    "Well, you said there was more than one?"
    'Yeah, I

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