Twist of Fate
did, didn't I?" I rubbed my temples, trying to get up the nerve, blowing out a nervous breath.   "Do I really have to tell you who?"
    She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped, shutting it.   Her eyes flicked to mine. "You don't, do you?"
    "After we kissed I thought we'd figure something out. I had a crush on you from the first time I met you. You were twelve years old."
    "Ben, I lived 3,000 miles away, how would that have worked?"
    "I know. It was stupid and lame. Then you stopped coming, and texting, whatever. I moved on, and look where it got me? A fucking broken heart twice. Love is way overrated, so I avoid it."
    "You have to move past all that. You need to move on, unless...unless, you don't still love Simone do you?"
    "Hell no. After six months of feeling sorry for myself, I just turned it off. Didn't give a shit no matter how sweet they were. I just didn't want to feel that way ever again. And, then I saw the same shit go down with Tommy not once, but twice. I swear that boy is cursed."  
    "Twice? You can't be serious? What happened the second time?" She sat up, crossing her legs over one another, waiting for the story. "You should have seen his face when he found out. It was real shitty too. He was dating this girl, Lizzie, sophomore year. He thought Audrey was for him, but Lizzie knocked him off his feet even more. He was madly in love.   He even started talking about moving in together, and she agreed to do so the following year.   Which would be now. They were going to get their own apartment off campus, be some happy fucking couple, y' know?"  
    She nodded in understanding. So I continued, "Tommy knew she was at a mixer with another fraternity that night, but he didn't care. He totally trusted her. That night one of our brothers got a text from his girl at the same frat party talking about how Lizzie was locked inside a room with a guy. Well, he came flying down the basement, grabbed Tommy, and a few more of us just in case a fight started. We got there, we went around the back of the house. No one ever saw us. I was the first one to sneak a glance in the bedroom window and saw them. I begged him not to look, but he shoved me aside anyhow."
    "Oh, no."
    "Yeah. Tommy must have stood there for five minutes making sure. I know he knew it was her, but I can tell he just didn't want to believe it."
    "Oh, god. What did he see?"
    "What do you think he saw? He saw Lizzie with some dude getting it on. If you could have seen his face.   I never saw him so upset. We waited outside for over an hour for her to come out. Everyone left, but me. I stayed with him. She came out, he jumped up. As soon as she saw him I think she knew, but she tried to play it cool. She came over, kissed him on his cheek. Tommy actually started to cry. Not like crazy waterworks, but he pushed back a few tears. He looked right at her and asked her if she had fun. She said yes, and he told her to never come near him again, and that he hoped that she wasn't too tired from getting laid to pick up her shit, that it would all be on our front lawn. She begged him to forgive her, but he kept walking away, so I followed and kept my mouth shut. He still blames himself. He thinks it's karma, or some bullshit.   The ultimate payback for freshman year. I swore right there, that I would not fall in love. At least not in college. I'd wait until I was old enough, the orgies would be over, the partying, all of it."
    "How did you get over Simone? How did you turn it off?"
    "Another girl from high school that goes here showed up one night at the frat. We got drunk, her and her roommate took me back to their dorm that night, and then I never looked back. I don't know, it was like some switch flipped, turning off my feelings."
    "That's gross, Ben." He winced as the words left my lips. "Please tell me you get checked for STD's?"
    He sat up, staring into my eyes, a serious expression crossed his face. "First of all, I don't have sex without a

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