Twist of Fate
rubber, and second, yes, I've been checked to be on the safe side. My turn, what about you?"
    "I already told you." I chewed on my lip.
    "Yeah, but you told me about one dude, not the other one."
    "Ben, I can't talk about that. I'm sorry."
    "Why not? Are you still in love with the guy or something?"
    I stumbled out of the bed, almost falling when I tripped over his leg. "I really appreciate you walking me home, but I think maybe you should head home."
    "What did I say?" He sat up on his knees, frantically scanning my face for answers.  
    After a minute of thinking about my situation, I reconsidered. None of this was his fault. "It's nothing. Let's just get some sleep."
    I switched off the light clipped to my bed frame, climbing under the covers, while Ben scooted back until his back hit the wall. He pulled the blankets over until they were covering me, snuggling me close. "I'm sorry if I said something to hurt you," he mumbled. I wrapped my hand around his, giving it a gentle squeeze, letting him know it was okay.

    Chapter 10
    I was studying in the main room when Paige walked in with Tommy. I looked up briefly to say hello, but she just passed me by and made her way into the basement. A few of the guys had organized a small party at the last minute. Unfortunately, I had a huge exam and needed to cram and get all this shit to sink in before nine in the morning.  
    The words were getting blurry after the clock read one a.m., and I hadn't moved in case Paige came upstairs. I hadn't seen or talked to her in three days.   Just because we hadn't talked didn't mean that I didn't think about her way more than I should. I was just distancing myself because I knew she didn't want me the way I wanted her. I wasn't really sure why she ignored me tonight, but I had a feeling I did something to piss her off. So, I found it best to just ignore the situation. It had never let me down before.
    I could tell Paige was felt sorry for me by the look on her face when she finally came upstairs.  
    "I'm really sorry if I hurt you back then," She blurted out. "I never meant to."
    "I know you didn't. Friends?"
    She walked over to me, resting her head on top of mine, peering down at my open book. "I thought we already were friends?"
    She kissed the top of my head. "Yeah, we are," I said.
    The next day I barely got up for class because after Paige left, I downed several shots of Jack to stop thinking about her.   I brushed my teeth, rushing out without changing.   The next sixty minutes went by painfully slow. One by one chairs scraped across the floor as they finished their test to hand in, then ducked out. I went over my answers twice to make sure that I crossed every t and dotted every i. Once I was confident, I walked up, handing it in. This grade accounted for fifty percent of my final, so I was a little nervous letting it slide out my fingers.
    During those minutes, I was able to keep Paige off my mind. The rest of my day was open, so I hit the recreation center to hit the weights, then run a few miles. When I swung the doors open, I saw Paige smiling at the girl at the front desk. I waited, hesitant to see which way she'd go, before I headed in. But, she turned on her heels toward me. When she saw me her face lit up like a Christmas tree, so I walked to meet her halfway. "Hey, you done working out?" I asked her.  
    "Yeah, just finished. I teach a small yoga class on Wednesdays."
    I stepped back. "You do? I didn't know that."
    "There's a lot about me you don't know."
    I held the door open for her. "Well, we'll just have to fix that now won't we?"
    She strolled out into the sunlight, pulling her hair out of her ponytail. And, I swore it was not until she cleared her throat that I didn't even realize that I was staring. "Catch you later, Ben," she said, lifting her hand slightly, waving.
    After chucking my bag in a locker, I ran seven miles in one hour flat. I didn't want to go home because I knew the minute I did, that I'd call her, or

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