This Haunted World Book One: The Venetian: A Chilling New Supernatural Thriller

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Book: This Haunted World Book One: The Venetian: A Chilling New Supernatural Thriller by Shani Struthers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shani Struthers
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night, actually,” he informed them. “It was so good we decided to come back.”
    Not strictly true but what the hell, they were only making small talk. The waiter came to take their food and wine order. “We’d like water too, please,” added Louise, “a big jug of it.” She’d better make an attempt at sobering up.
    Leaning forward once again, making small talk with her husband instead, she could feel his knees rub against hers, a smouldering look in his eyes. They’d decided against starters and there’d be no dessert either – they’d race back to the hotel, her yearning for him needing further satisfaction. She’d have been happy to dispense with the meal entirely, cancel their order, get out of there – was about to suggest it, when the man beside her started speaking again. He was holding out his hand and introducing himself.
    “My name’s Piero and this is my wife, Kristina. We’re glad to meet you.”
    She was hesitant and so was Rob, but quickly she remedied it and took his hand. “Hi, I’m Louise, and this is Rob. We’re pleased to meet you too.”
    The couple had finished their starters and, like them, were waiting for their mains. Pouring from his bottle of wine into Kristina’s glass and his own, he offered them some.
    “Oh, no thanks, we’ve got a bottle coming.” The minute she said it, Louise wondered if she’d appeared rude – perhaps sharing bottles of wine on the continent with strangers in a restaurant was the norm. It was very unlikely that such a thing would happen in England.
    The man – Piero – didn’t seem to take offence, he smiled and placed his bottle back on the table, just as the waiter reappeared with theirs. Quickly, she filled their glasses, making an effort to ‘join in’. As she did, Piero pulled his chair even closer to them, encouraging his smiling wife to do the same. Bewildered by their ‘friendliness’ she looked at Rob for confirmation that he was feeling the same. Rob, however, had a big smile on his face and looked only too pleased to be chatting to them. Trying to hide her disappointment, Louise smiled as well. They could still eat their meals quickly and be out in an hour or so – it wouldn’t hurt to be friendly too.
    The conversation at first revolved around local foods and wine, twin subjects she knew from experience were close to Italian hearts. They’d got chatting to local people in other Italian cities they’d been to and conversation usually started off in the same way. Very soon though, and just as their main dishes arrived, talk turned to more cultural matters, Piero, in particular, wanting to know what sights they’d seen in Venice so far. It turned out, that like Rob, he was an architect too. After some time discussing the merits of the city’s Gothic style architecture with its Byzantine and Moorish influences, Rob admitted that the only ‘official’ sightseeing they’d done had been in St Mark’s Square.
    “Ah, the coffee, tell me you didn’t have coffee there.” It was the woman who said it, Kristina, the first time she’d really spoken apart from murmuring a few agreements here and there. She couldn’t have said a better thing – Rob roared with laughter, Louise did too – the damage to your purse caused by having coffee in St Mark’s Square seemed to be widely recognised. As they began eating, Louise explained they preferred to get a feel for the ‘real’ Venice rather than focus on tourist routes.
    “Have you been for a ride on a gondola yet?” Kristina asked.
    “No, it’s not really for us, again it’s too touristy,” Louise explained. “We arrived by speedboat though. Rob booked a private taxi, so that’s our trip on the waters sorted I guess.” Talking about the taxi ride reminded her of the taxi driver and his reaction when she’d mentioned Poveglia. Rob must have noticed her frown, making the connection in his mind too. Don’t mention the island . She could hardly say the words out loud but she

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