This Haunted World Book One: The Venetian: A Chilling New Supernatural Thriller

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Book: This Haunted World Book One: The Venetian: A Chilling New Supernatural Thriller by Shani Struthers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shani Struthers
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hoped her look said it all. She needn’t have worried. He didn’t bring the subject up. Piero did.
    “If you’re looking for different attractions, I know one. Have you heard of Poveglia?”
    Rob looked as stunned as she felt. The island, it was never far away.
    “Funnily enough,” Rob replied, reaching for his glass of wine and taking a sip, “we have. Well, Louise knows all about it, she read loads about it before we came here.”
    “Not loads,” Louise denied, “just a bit. I’m by no means an expert.”
    “You’ll know all about the fantasma then?” Piero continued. “Sorry, the ghosts.” Lifting his hands and jiggling his fingers, he accompanied his question with a “woo, woo.”
    Kristina laughed and shook her head. “Maybe no fantasma , but certainly, it is interesting.”
    In Louise’s opinion, what was interesting was finding two Venetians who didn’t flare up when talking about it. Considering the taxi man’s reaction, she had to ask, “Is Poveglia a sensitive subject? I know it’s got a tragic history, what with the plague and the asylum.”
    It was Kristina who answered. She pushed her plate aside, having hardly touched the food on it, and was quiet for a moment, obviously giving the question some thought. All three stared at her, as if she were an authority on the subject.
    “It is known as the world’s most haunted island,” she started, her voice slow, her tone deliberate. “Many people have died there over the centuries, the diseased, the murderous and the insane. The atmosphere, it’s bound to be… tainted. I have been several times, when I was younger. I think we Venetians may have a little fascination with it. I felt uncomfortable there but not frightened. What happened, the people who suffered, I feel sorry for them. I have respect, although there are many who haven’t.” Frowning, it was as though a shadow had darkened her features. “The walls are covered in graffiti, people consider it a fun place to be. They want to scare each other, return with lots of silly stories, trying to impress others with their bravery. I work in commerce but I have a deep love of history, like I said, a respect. That is the only reason I ever went there… to understand .”
    Whilst Kristina was speaking, Louise and Rob nodded their heads solemnly. Once she’d stopped, the air of earnestness continued, becoming slightly awkward.
    Louise was about to speak, perhaps even change the subject, when Piero, addressing Rob mainly, started talking about the architecture of Poveglia’s asylum and its combination of civil, religious and military influences, referring to it as an ‘architectural mongrel’ but one that was unique. “I don’t know if you are aware, but there are plans to regenerate the island,” he added. “How much longer it will stand I don’t know.”
    “Yes, I’d read—” answered Louise but Rob interrupted.
    “I’d love to go.”
    Louise stared at him; it was the last thing she expected to hear. “Rob—”
    “I mean, like you say, not only has it got a fascinating history, it’s a fascinating building too, and one that’s in danger of being knocked down. We should see it whilst we can.”
    “I really don’t think—”
    “Have you been there, Piero?” he asked.
    “I went there as a teenager too. It’s forbidden by law to visit, but people still do. Nowadays I think it’s mainly tourists, people like you who have read about it and become intrigued. In Italy, if you pay the boatman enough, he will take you.”
    “I wouldn’t dream of going…” Once again Louise attempted to speak but Rob had got the bit between the teeth and he wasn’t going to let it go. For what felt like the umpteenth time he spoke over her, causing her temper to catch alight, as easily as taking a match to paper. Forming her mouth into a tight line, she did her utmost to conceal it.
    “How far is it from where we are? How much do you think it’ll cost?”
    Piero shrugged. “It’s not

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