Strip Teaser (Naked Night's)

Read Online Strip Teaser (Naked Night's) by Ava Manello - Free Book Online

Book: Strip Teaser (Naked Night's) by Ava Manello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Manello
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conversation with Jackal.
    "Come on, grab your jacket. The cinema's just a short walk from here. Let's go see if we can find something Tiny won't cry over tonight." Alex pushes on Tiny's shoulder. You can see the affection on both their faces. They have a much closer bond than the other guys. 
    As we pass the bar on our way out the girls are still cackling amongst themselves, a couple of them throwing longing glances towards Guido.  I wonder how they'd handle finding out for themselves that their friend was as loose with the truth as she is with her morals.
    Tiny casually throws his arm around my shoulder as we walk.  Alex is on the other side of me.  Despite Tiny being closer, it's Alex's warmth that I can feel.  There's a glow down that side of my body, and I feel drawn to him.  After Tiny's earlier declaration that Alex is gay I need to calm down my libido and quickly.  I can settle for friendship.  My mind might be okay with that but the tingling between my legs tells me my body has other ideas.
    The movie was okay; I can't say that I remember much of it.  I was too conscious of Alex sitting by my side the whole time.  Tiny bought the biggest tub of popcorn he could find, plonked me on the seat in the middle along with the popcorn and proceeded to eat most of it single handed.  Alex reached for it at the same time as me once. There was a tingling as our hands touched, and I pulled mine away shocked.  Alex gave me a slightly puzzled expression, but carried on slowly munching away; oblivious to the turmoil my body was in.
    The walk back to the hotel was pretty quiet.  Tiny cracked the silence with the odd joke from the movie but other than that we kept to our own thoughts.
    "You got the bike sorted for tomorrow?" Tiny looks over at Alex. I prick my ears up a little.
    "Yeah, the guy I spoke to is bringing it to the theater in the afternoon.  He's got a red and black Harley Road King. Should look good with the leather and the lights." Now I'm intrigued.
    Tiny obviously notices my interest and puts me out of my misery. "Alex has a routine planned using a bike on the stage tomorrow night. You coming to rehearsals to watch?" Alex, a bike and leather? I think they'd struggle to keep me away.

Chapter Eleven

    I watched Alex rehearse this afternoon and his performance looked great, but tonight I've moved out of the wings to stand at the back of the auditorium so I can see his act properly.  Jed, the owner of the bike, is standing next to me.  He's been a bag of nerves all day; that's his precious baby up on that stage after all.  He's polished every millimeter of chrome and the red paintwork sparkles in the stage lighting.
    Right now the stage is in darkness, as the gentle guitar strum intro to AC/DC's Highway to Hell is played through the sound system.  As the rest of the music kicks in there's a flash of fire before a single spot hits the stage. Alex is revealed; standing astride the bike in the sexiest black leather outfit I've ever seen.
    The bike is sideways on to the audience, secured in place with the center stand. Alex is standing atop it, facing the audience, legs spread wide for balance.  At the next beat he leaps down to the front of the stage.
    The black leather jacket is open revealing glimpses of his toned abs, and his arse, oh god his arse, is revealed in tight black boxer briefs whilst his legs are covered in black leather chaps.  My jaw drops.  He looked hot backstage just before he went on, but in this setting, the crowd has gone crazy.  My knickers just got a little bit wet as well.
    "Fuckin' ell." Jed mutters at the side of me. "Bet you wish I looked like that in me leathers." He smiles at me before turning back to watch the performance.  I grin, he's fifty if he's a day and I don't think if he was half that age he'd look as hot as Alex right now. 
    Alex thrusts and dances his way around the bike.  I can't believe how

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