Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3)

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Book: Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3) by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
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still lingering in the background, waiting for her back home.

Chapter Seven
    Sam’s breath kept catching in her throat as she mentally planned the rest of her night. It wasn’t going to be easy to put Kane off until tomorrow, but she had to do something to put some distance between them. “I need to go talk to Kane, and then I think I’ll get an early night, Ash, if you don’t mind? I’m pretty beat.”
    A nugget of guilt sat like a lead weight in her belly as she took a step towards the door. She shouldn’t be running off on Ash, but she had to and besides. Her cousin and new husbands were set to leave on their honeymoon soon, so she’d have the whole place to herself.
    Ash stood up as Sam rose, and together they moved out of the room.
    “Yeah, of course, we’re heading off after dinner so I’ll leave spare keys for you on the bench. Everything’s pretty self explanatory. There’s towels in the linen press next to the bathroom, food in the fridge. Help yourself to everything.”
    Ash waved her hands towards the ultra modern kitchen, and Sam shrugged, knowing she’d be ordering takeout a lot during the week. She wasn’t cooking on her holiday.
    “Thanks so much for this, Ash. I still feel a little bit weird about staying here without you.” She did feel guilty, but she was so grateful to her cousin. She was going to be so much more comfortable here than she would have been at the motel. More space, she’d save money, and she could have a bath!
    “Don’t be silly. You’re doing me a favor really. It’ll stop Jack worrying about the house.”
    They approached the lounge in the now quiet house, and as they stepped through the door way Kane and Jack got to their feet, beers in hand.
    “Sam…” Kane approached her, and Sam put her hand out in front of her body to stop him from progressing forward. She needed some time to think before they went any further, and the last thing she needed was this gorgeous man and his knee melting kisses making her blur the line of morality even further.
    “Kane, stop please. I have a throbbing headache and really need to get to bed early.”
    Kane stopped abruptly and glanced outside at the evening sunshine. “It’s still pretty early.”
    He gave her a lopsided smile, and she couldn’t help her mirrored response, her lips tugging up and causing her to look away. His desire to be with her was lovely. She’d never thought a man this gorgeous and obviously intelligent would pursue her like he was. Despite her best intentions, she was very flattered.
    “I know, but I’ll have a bath, relax a bit, and go to bed early. Can we continue our conversation tomorrow?”
    Kane nodded with jerky motions, his mouth thinning and his brow furrowing with deep worry lines. Her fingers itched to reach out and touch him, reassure him and wipe that frown away. But she couldn’t, not yet, and the fact that she desired to do such a thing made her question her own sanity. She barely knew the man.
    “Of course, Sam. Whatever you want. We’re not going anywhere. Should Reid and I come by tomorrow, or do you want to meet us somewhere?”
    She appreciated his offer, more than she could voice. He was letting her have the time she needed, reassuring her he still wanted her, and then giving her the choice of where to meet so that she was comfortable. Wow, she hadn’t thought that considerate guys really existed outside the movies and books.
    “Here, if you want. We can have a chat, then go out for lunch or something?”
    She almost called the words back, unable to believe she’d just invited them to an empty house she was staying in. That was until he gave her a huge smile, full of sunshine and happiness. She’d say almost anything to have Kane look at her like that again.
    “That’d be great, Sam. See you tomorrow.”
    He moved forward, pushing aside her out stretched hand and pressed his lips to hers, the sensual heat of his kiss melting through her and making her knees tremble

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