Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3)

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Book: Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3) by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
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the wedding and catching up with my cousins. How’s your weekend going?”
    He grunted. “Not bad. Went out last night with the boys and just doing some paperwork catch up now.”
    That was one of the things she wouldn’t miss about Bill. His need to drink with the boys on a weekly basis, if not twice a week. Fine when you’re twenty-one, but when you’re pushing thirty-five, it would be nice if it wasn’t such a necessity.
    “I have to talk to you about something, Bill. Do you have a minute now?”
    Her knees moved faster as she shuffled around on her seat, her belly twisting into knots.
    “Yeah, ‘course I do. What’s up? Sounds serious.”
    Sam took a deep breath and shot to her feet, needing to move while she talked.
    “It is serious, unfortunately. I’ve done a lot of thinking lately, and with Ash getting married this weekend, it has really put everything into perspective for me with what I want out of life.”
    She paced the room twice while waiting for Bill to say something. There was only silence at the end of the line.
    “I’m listening, but you sound like you need to say more.”
    There was a hard tone in his voice now, and Sam’s belly did another flip. She hated hurting anyone, especially someone she cared about, and she didn’t know what Bill was going to say next. He could get nasty when he wanted to.
    “I’m so sorry, Bill, but I think we need to break up. It’s been a great year, but I really don’t think that we suit each other enough to continue on with the relationship.”
    Silence again, and this time she waited. She breathed out slowly. She’d said what needed to be said. Now it was his turn.
    “Have you found someone else?”
    Oh crap. How was she meant to answer that? Honesty was the best policy in theory, but now that she being tested, her throat tightened up at the thought of admitting what she’d done. The last thing she wanted was for Bill to know what was going on for her at the moment.
    “Technically no, not one guy…” Yeah, that was kinda the truth. “It’s more the fact that I feel like I’m open for meeting new people and finding love. I shouldn’t feel that way if I really was in love with you. So, I’m so sorry to do this to you over the phone, but I’m going to stay with Laura for a week and do some more soul searching and see how I go.”
    “Well, if you just need some time to sort yourself out, then do that. We can talk about us when you get back.”
    No, she didn’t want that. She needed time with Kane and Reid without worrying about cheating on someone she didn’t really want.
    “No, I think it’s best that we end it now, Bill. You and I both know that we don’t really suit each other.”
    “That’s not true. I took you to meet my parents last month. I don’t do that with women that I’m not serious about.”
    Sam clenched her teeth and tried not to puff out her nose. His parents were the most unwelcoming, cold creatures she’d ever met, and the last thing she wanted was to have them as in-laws. “I was very flattered you took me to meet your parents, Bill, but I don’t see any future for us.”
    “But I love you! I told you that.”
    Muttered words during mediocre sex were not what she considered a declaration of love. “Please, Bill, stop.” Have some dignity, for goodness’ sakes. “We can talk about it when I get home if you want, but I needed you to know as soon as possible what I had decided.”
    “What? That I’m not good enough for you? What’s the rush, Sam? Panting to jump into bed with some guy and don’t want the guilt of knowing I’m here, waiting for you?”
    That barb hit so close to home that it splintered right around her heart, and pain shot through her chest. “I’m so sorry, Bill. I never meant to hurt you, but I have to be honest.”
    Tears stung her eyes, and she gulped down the lump that rose in her throat.
    “Honest? You’re lying about something, Sam, I know you. Have you been fucking around

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