Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3)

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Book: Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3) by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
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with the weight of her sagging body.
    When he pulled back he stared at her for a moment, his brown eyes communicating volumes to her. He wanted to stay, but he’d go. For her.
    She wanted to fall into those eyes and never leave.
    He stepped back, and she had to press her lips together hard to stop the words that would make him come back to her. She was drawn to Kane in the strongest way, and it took all her strength not to give up her need for the night alone, and invite him to stay.
    She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Ash, hoping her cousin would understand. Ash stared at her for a moment then moved forward, touching Jack gently on the shoulder.
    “Thanks so much for coming, Kane. You wanna walk him out, Jack? And I’ll find some painkillers for Sam.”
    The men disappeared, and Sam let her arms fall, a huge sigh leaving her body in a release of tension.
    “Argh, what am I doing?” She shook out her hands and bounced on her toes.
    Ash laughed, handing her a glass of water and a couple of white pills.
    “Take these, make your phone call, and go to bed. Your life is about to change forever.”
    Sam groaned and snatched at the pills, downing the painkillers and swallowing the water.
    You better not mean that literally, Ash. I’m not sure I’m ready for that.
    She grabbed her cousin, pulling Ash into her arms and hugging her tight. “Have an amazing time.”
    Ash squeezed her back, her slightly taller body and ample curves making the cuddle a little obscene, and Sam laughed as she pulled back. “I love you. I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?”
    Ash laughed and nodded. “Absolutely, and you know Laura’s just around the corner if you need her.”
    Sam smiled once more and turned, walking through the lounge, down the hall and into her bedroom. “Oh fuck.”
    She still needed to get all of her belongings out of the back seat. She groaned and turned back, trudging out to her car and pulled out her toiletries and clothes, then settling herself into her new room with small movements.
    Her brain was vaguely numb, and the inane tasks soothed her.
    Finally she was all ready, her bath run and topped with white foamy bubbles. Her breath hitched in her throat as she reached for her cell phone. It was time to make this right.
    Even if she didn't choose to be with Reid and Kane, she still had to break up with Bill.
    If she had really been in love with him, then she would never have kissed Kane, nor would she be considering this new relationship at all with Kane and his huge twin, Reid. A shiver rippled up her spine, and she gasped as goosebumps rose on the skin of her forearms. Reid was dangerous, to her heart and to her sanity. That man had an intensity about him that was addictive, not to mention his physical beauty.
    She shook her head, marveling at the things that she was actually considering today that she would never have even put into the basket of possibilities yesterday. She flicked open her phone and made the call that would close one door and maybe open another.
    Her belly flipped inside her like she was on a rollercoaster, jerking and rolling. This was the part she dreaded when she started relationships. The messy end.
    Sam’s fingers trembled as she picked up the phone and opened the screen. She was doing the right thing, she really was. She just had to convince Bill of that.
    Her pointer finger hovered over his name in her dial list as her belly dropped even further with a lurch. Her boyfriend of just over a year had a temper, and she wasn’t sure she could handle hearing it after the huge weekend she’d had already.
    “Damn it, just do it.”
    She pressed his name before she could chicken out and put the phone to her ear, sliding to the edge of the chair she sat upon and jiggling her legs.
    “Hey, stranger, where’ve you been?” Bill’s slightly accusing tone came through clear as a bell despite the jovial laugh he added on the end of the line.
    “Hey, Bill. Just been busy with

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