The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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wish to be a slave." Jamal patted him on the back, "We stick together, whatever happens," he found himself saying. Fabian looked back up, and with the smallest hint of a smile, nodded.
    Prince Issac paced around his throne room. He had summoned every advisor, councillor and high-ranking military officer to a meeting. He wanted to hear their views. Personally, he wanted to stand and fight the abominations that stood outside his city walls. However, he had deemed it only fair for the others to air their views. He had already spoken to those before him, and explained his wishes. Now the question was opened to the floor for people to step forth and express other opinions.
    Unsurprisingly his highest ranked officer stepped forward and spoke first. "We stand with you your highness. Whatever your decision, your fate is ours to share," the man said bowing his head. The next to step forward was one of the cities councillors, a man who spoke for the people of the city. "I mean no disrespect highness," he said in a crawling, whiny voice. "Perhaps we should accept the offer they have put before us. After all, we are hopelessly outnumbered, and we have no idea how to fight the monsters and beasts amassing outside our fair city."
    Issac had to bite his lip. This snivelling little man would see them hand the city over without so much as a scuffle. However, he remained civil, he had asked for others opinions, and it was only right he listened. A few jeered the man, but Issac held up a hand to silence them, "Thank you Councillor, I will give your words my consideration."
    The next to step forward was one of his most loyal advisors. A man who had been at his side ever since he had been made the ruler of the south of Murati. "Your highness," he said bowing his head subserviently. "People of Onay," he added turning to the others in the room. "If we fight tomorrow, it may well be our end. Thousands will die; perhaps every one of us here will never see another day." The advisor spoke clearly, walking slowly as he did. The room remained silent as he paused for while, before continuing. "However, if we merely open the gates and lay down our arms, then we live..." he let the words hang for a little while before speaking again. "Yet, we would be slaves. We would not be councillors, or soldiers, or any other thing we wanted to be. Moreover, if we sit by and do nothing we condemn the next city the Zulani decide to attack to this very same fate." With those words still ringing in peoples ears, he bowed before his prince and stepped back amongst the others.
    A few others stepped up and had their say, a couple mirroring the opinion of the councillor, and a few the words of his officer. It was the words spoken by his advisor however, that stayed in Issac's thoughts. If they surrendered, then the Zulani would be free to move on and capture more. If he decided to fight, then perhaps they could hold out until help came, or at the very least deliver the enemy a severe blow to their plans of conquering any more Murati lands.
    "I have made my decision," he spoke loudly to those stood before him. "Tomorrow morning we wait to see what these Zulani throw at us. If they attack, we will stand firm and spill their blood on our walls. Let it be known," he added gesturing for them to leave. With his mind made up, Issac walked over to one of guards, "Find my son and bring him to me," he ordered.
    Fabian was walking back to the garrison when the order reached him to go to his father. "Jamal, will you come with me please?" He asked. Jamal was not sure why he needed to go, but nodded to the affirmative anyway. After a brisk walk, down several very busy streets, they turned into the palace yard. Much of the free space had been given over to the towns supply stockpiles.
    They found the prince sitting in his private study. On seeing them both enter, Issac stood to wave them closer. Jamal was not certain whether he should leave Fabian to talk to his father in private, but his

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