I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!)

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Book: I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
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questions to him.
    With a small half-smile, Martina began to speak. “You are from northern Wyoming.” She took a sip of the brandy and locked eyes with his, as if she was gauging his reaction to her revelations. “You sold your ranch after it fell on hard times. Los Banos is your home now. You have no family, but me.” She flashed a huge ring in his face. “And you are by no means broke. Your fortune is in good hands. In our bank.”
    They had a bank? And why hadn’t he noticed that ring before. Why had he given up his home to move in with this woman? Even though he didn’t know himself well, this sure as hell didn’t sound like something he would do.
    “Would you like the see the ranch?” Tomas offered. But he seemed to look at Martina for permission. This action further confused him. What father looked to his daughter for permission for something so simple?
    “Yes, I would.” For no other reason than he needed to get out of the house. But ranches and cattle seemed to intrigue him. Austin wanted to investigate the matter further.
    “Do you feel up to a walk or perhaps a ride?”
    “I’m not sure if Austin feels like—”
    He held up his hand. “I do and I want to get out. I’m going stir-crazy in here.” Without waiting for permission of any kind, Austin Wade rose from the couch and retreated upstairs.
    As soon as he was out of earshot, Martina wheeled around to Tomas. Her face was a mask of fury. “How dare you interfere?”
    The older gentleman rose to his full height. “This is my home. He was my friend. And whatever power you may wield, and however corrupt you are, you will not tell your father how to run his life nor how to hold his tongue. I am no imbecile and this whole mess is a travesty. How can you steal a man away from his family?”
    Martina walked to the hall and looked up the staircase, then she quietly shut the door. When she came back into the room, she got right in her father’s face. “He does not remember his family.”
    “But you know who they are, you could tell him. Set the man free before he becomes embroiled in this nightmare you call a life,” he spat out the words, clearly not afraid of the young woman. “Don’t you realize I know what you’re doing?” He shook his fist at her. “Why you even have the servants monitoring the cable channels. Everything we watch is pre-recorded, edited to make sure no mention of Aron McCoy comes across on our television. Your secretary screens every newspaper and magazine which comes into the house to make sure he does not see the uproar his absence has caused or the search for him that continues until this day. How long do you expect to get away with this? His memory will return.” Anger made his face blood red. “And I’ll be glad when it does!” 
    “This topic is not up for discussion,” Martina spoke through clenched teeth.
    Tomas’s face crumpled, but he did not cry out. “What happened to you, Martina? How have you become such a monster? How many deaths have you been responsible for? How much blood is on your hands?”
    “Enough!” She slammed down her glass on the table and stalked toward the door. “Just remember this, old man,” she said the words with disdain. “If you spoil this for me…you will regret it.”
    Her eyes were serpent like, and Tomas Delgado did not doubt her threat for a moment.
    Tebow Ranch
    The dream had knocked Libby off kilter. It had seemed so real. She’d actually felt him in her arms. She had tasted his kiss. Reaching down between her breasts, she picked up a gold chain. On the end of the chain was a gold band. Aron’s wedding ring. Bowie Travis had brought it to her. One of the divers had found it, a miracle in itself. One small ring on a seabed, like a piece of gold tossed from a sinking ship. Yea, she knew she might be grasping at straws. But Libby needed something, anything, to hold on to. “Come back to me, Aron,” she whispered. Reverently, she kissed

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