
Read Online Possession by Jennifer Lyon - Free Book Online

Book: Possession by Jennifer Lyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Lyon
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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in her hair, he asked, “Are you going to ask me to be your plus-one for the housewarming party?”
    She tilted her chin up. “Oh, no. You don’t have to do that.”
    With other women, he’d suspect them of playing coy. Not Kat. She didn’t play those games. He stroked a finger lightly over her cheek. “I want to. Ask me.”
    She leaned her face into his touch. “We’re blurring the lines.”
    “Dangerous territory.”
    “Treacherous.” And full of emotional land mines he didn’t know how to navigate.
    Her breath hitched. “You could say no.”
    Did she think so? Slipping his fingers to her nape, he tugged her close enough to drown in the pool of her blue-green eyes. “Not to you. Ask me.”
    “Would you like to be my plus-one for Kellen and Diego’s housewarming party?”
    “Very much.” Blurring lines? More like blowing the fuck out of his boundaries. But the need to see her, be with her—and inside her—was becoming a compulsion second only to his need to avenge his sister.
    Kellen cleared his throat. “You two planning on going to the winery thing, or do I need to drag in the garden hose and spray you down?”
    Sloane wanted to sweep Kat into his arms, take her in the bedroom and lose himself in her. But tonight was important. “You ready to leave?”
    Kel put his hand on her arm. “I’m going to assume you won’t be here alone tonight, so we’re staying at Diego’s. If that changes, you text or call me. Swear?”
    Kat rose on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Swear.” Then she grinned. “But I’m onto your scheme. Trying to get rid of us so you can snoop around for the cake plans.”
    Once they said their goodbyes, Sloane got her settled in the limo, and they were on their way. “Tell me about this project you and Ana are doing.” He wanted to keep her distracted from thinking about wearing the dress. And himself from what was under that dress.
    “Kellen.” She sighed. “He has a big mouth.”
    “Is it a secret?” He poured her some of the sparkling water she tended to favor.
    “No, not really. It’s just all happening so fast. Anyway, it’s a project for Ana’s marketing class.”
    Sloane stared at her mouth. Again. “Keep talking. Or I’m going to kiss you. And we both know how that will end.” He looked at her hemline, where it rode up her left thigh. Did she even have panties on?
    A thong?
    What color? It’d have to be a white or maybe blush-colored not to show through.
    Sloane pulled his black tie away from his throat. Heat warmed his veins, and his cock ached. He took a gulp of water.
    “Ana has a video crew from college following me around to get working footage. They went with me to set up a wedding cake today. Next week, we’ll start the straight bio shots of me. From that, Ana and her team will do two videos. One will be like a commercial for Sugar Dancer Bakery, and the second will be a longer biography piece of me as the owner of Sugar Dancer. She has a whole marketing plan to go with it.” Warm color made her face glow with excited.
    “All for her class?”
    “Yes and no.”
    Okay, now she had his full attention. He set his glass in a holder then stretched his arm around her shoulders. “Spill it, baker girl.”
    “If I like the final product, the plan is to follow through on Ana’s marketing plan and submit the videos to three cooking shows that feature bakers.”
    Her fingers were white around the glass she cradled. “I remember Ana mentioning that she wanted to get you on one of those shows when I first met her. Is that what you want, Kat?”
    She took a deep breath. “If I can do it.”
    Ah. Now he knew why tension was eating into her excitement. “Your panic attacks.”
    “I’m fine doing the tapings in my bakery, and I did okay when they followed me to set up at the wedding. But I’d be under real pressure in a studio.” She shrugged beneath his arm and lifted her face to his. “But if I can do it, the exposure would be

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