The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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mind was made up for him, when the door was closed behind them. "Fabian, please sit down...I think we need to talk." Jamal was feeling a little awkward and suggested perhaps he wait outside the door, but Fabian requested he stay. Jamal noticed just how distant this father and son were. Issac was clearly as anxious as Fabian, highlighted further, by the large glass of brandy he knocked back in one go.
    The prince started by telling his son, that whatever happened tomorrow he loved him very much. Jamal went and stood beside a window and looked out over the gardens below. After an awkward looking hug, the prince had one more thing to tell them. "Jamal," he said focusing the conversation on him. "If things go wrong I want you to take Fabian to safety." Jamal got the feeling he was never going to fight the enemy.
    Prince Issac took the pair of them into another room beside his study. On first look, it appeared the room was used for nothing more than the storage of documents. However, when the prince pulled on a hidden lever, one of the document racks slid to one side revealing a small dark passage. "It is only just wide enough for one man at a time, but it will lead you out to a large wooded area just north of the city. If things start going wrong, I want you two to make good your escape." Jamal turned and was about to complain, but decided to remain silent when he remembered who it was giving the order. He looked over to Fabian, who was busy peering into the darkness of the small opening. "Swear to me that you will do as I ask," Issac said focusing his attention back on Jamal. "I swear, your highness," he said bowing his head just a little.
    After leaving the prince's study, both Jamal and Fabian walked in silence. Only the clatter of their boots on the floor made any noise. Jamal was thankful he had Fabian with him, as he was certain he would have gotten himself lost, as he had done the last time he walked the corridors of the palace. As they exited back out into the palace gardens, Fabian stopped. "I think it best if you stay in the palace with me tonight." Jamal stopped as well, and rolled his eyes back. The enemy had not even attacked yet, and they were already preparing for him to once again, flee.  Knowing it would mean a lot to Fabian, Jamal nodded "If that is what you want, then I will."
    In Forwich, Darak sat at the dinner table with his wife Sarena and youngest daughter Leah. He looked at the two empty spaces and sighed. He felt a hand touch his own, and looked over. "They will be fine dear," Sarena said trying to show enough optimism for the both of them. If not for the chatter of their daughter, the meal would have been eaten in silence. At least since returning back home, Darak had managed to limit his binge drinking.
    They had just finished eating, when a serving maid came over to clear away the plates. Whilst she did, she told Serena of a messenger waiting in the hallway. "Why does he not give you the message?" Sarena asked her. "He says it is important, and must be delivered to either you or Lord Darak my Lady." After looking at each other they both stood, "Might as well see what is so urgent," Darak said leading the way.
    Just as they had been told, a man wearing a hooded cloak stood in the hallway. "I am Lord Darak," Darak said introducing himself. "My Lord," the man dropped his hood and bowed his head. "I have been asked by Lord Levin of Lanber to personally hand you this note." The man reached into his belt and pulled out a folded letter. Darak thanked the man and asked one of the maids to show him to the kitchens for refreshment.
    Sarena looked at her husband, "I wonder what Levin wants?" she asked puzzled as to what could be so urgent. "Only one way to find out I guess," Darak replied slipping his finger under the wax seal. He slowly unfolded the paper and read, "Oh thank the gods," he cried out. Sarena looked at him, "What is it?" she asked impatiently. "Hope is in Lanber...Safe and well," he added feeling

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