The Master Of Strathburn

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Book: The Master Of Strathburn by Amy Rose Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Rose Bennett
redheaded companion, who had been standing back at the edge of the copse all this time, watching them. ‘Tobias, fetch the horses will you?’
    ‘Aye, milord,’ replied Tobias in a distinct Scottish burr before he disappeared into the gathering mist and cloud.
    The huntsman turned his attention back to her. ‘There’s an old, abandoned hunting lodge not far from here that we can use.’
    Not only was this man stalking on Lord Strathburn’s hunting grounds but he also seemed to think nothing of using the earl’s hunting lodge. It was a trespassing offence to say the least. Jessie suddenly wondered how the stranger knew of its existence.
    Her surprise at the comment about the lodge must have shown on her face as he asked, ‘Do you know of it?’
    She nodded. ‘It’s owned by the Earl o’ Strathburn. These are his lands.’
    The huntsman did not seem at all rattled by her revelation. ‘Well, there’s no possibility of us taking you anywhere else at present given the weather that’s setting in,’ he said with a wry smile, glancing toward the lowering clouds. ‘And I’m sure that like me, you’d prefer not to spend the night battling the elements.’
    He sought and held her gaze directly again. ‘But before we move, Jessie, I’d like to take a closer look at your injured arm. You’ve lost a little blood and the wound may need bandaging.’ His eyes now held a light of earnest concern. ‘I assure you, I have nothing but honourable intentions.’
    ‘Aye, all right,’ she said, steeling herself for his ministrations. She supposed that if his intentions were dishonourable, she would already know—if he meant to have her, now would be the perfect opportunity. Also, if he really intended her more physical harm, why would he bother to attend to her arm?
    The man laid aside his musket, then, still on his haunches, leaned toward her. He was very close. She watched his face because she couldn’t bear to look down at her injury. His winged dark brows descended into a slight frown as he gently separated the torn edges of her sleeve to check the wound underneath. At these close quarters, she couldn’t help but notice other things about him as well. The skin at his throat and underneath the stubble was tanned, like he’d spent a considerable amount of time in the sun. She noted a long, straight nose and high cheekbones. Definitely handsome, she decided. An elegant ruffian.
    He was a dark, handsome stranger that had shot her and was now her rescuer. If she hadn’t been in so much pain she might have smiled at the irony of the situation.
    ‘Jessie lass,’ he said gently when he’d finished his inspection,’ I’m going to have to cut your shift to make a bandage to help stop the bleeding. Then I’ll have to cut away your sleeve so I can bind the wound properly. Would that be all right?’ he asked.
    She nodded faintly. She really had no other choice.
    The huntsman pulled a dirk from his belt then carefully lifted her woollen skirt and cambric petticoats to expose her shift. Using the dirk, he swiftly tore off a decent sized strip of linen. Part of her knew she should have minded, but at that moment, she was too weary and in too much pain to care overmuch if he saw her lower legs or ruined her clothes.
    Although he was gentle, she couldn’t help but gasp when he cut away her sleeve. There was quite a lot of blood, more than she had thought there would be. She closed her eyes, fighting a sudden wave of nausea. Gritting her teeth, she willed herself not to faint as the man proceeded to wrap a firm bandage around her arm. The slightest touch or movement triggered sharp flashes of white-hot pain. By the time the bandage was securely fastened, Jessie was shivering and a sheen of cold perspiration had broken out all over her skin.
    The man returned his dirk back to his belt. ‘You are a brave lass, Jessie Munroe,’ he said, his eyes returning to hers. She thought there might even be a hint of admiration in the deep

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