The Killing of Bobbi Lomax

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Book: The Killing of Bobbi Lomax by Cal Moriarty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cal Moriarty
Tags: Crime
But maybe he knew what was coming, had time to prepare. So, let’s try and find out why the high school prom queen married an ageing businessman. And how that may or may not fit into the investigation. Especially if there was a good life-insurance policy out on her. The kind of settlement that might help a guy onto a plane headed towards a place we can’t extradite from and with a chunk of change left over so he doesn’t ever have to come back to this place.’
    ‘You think Lomax tried to bomb his way out of trouble?’
    ‘Why not? I’ve seen crazier. It would sure deflect attention – even for a little while.’
    ‘I’ll second that. But what about the others? Houseman and Gudsen.’
    ‘Gudsen’s the business partner. Most likely he knows where the bodies are buried.’
    ‘And Houseman?’
    ‘Maybe he was their silent partner.’
    ‘No evidence of that so far, though, hey?’
    Al shook his head.
    ‘Some kind of collateral damage then,’ said Marty.
    ‘That could make sense.’
    ‘And if not Lomax the Old Fool, how about the Old Fool’s ex? She can’t have been happy to be cast aside for a wannabe beauty queen fresh out of high school.’
    ‘She wasn’t.’
    ‘Messy divorce?’
    Marty looked at him. ‘Maybe literally.’
    ‘Mrs Lomax the First was mighty pissed, sued him for the house, the company, everything – but he had it all tied up in trusts, offshore corporations everywhere. At least that’s what he claimed. She didn’t get a bean.’
    ‘And now we know why. It was a bust.’
    ‘Where the hell did all that money go?’
    Marty shrugged, ‘You got the court papers through already or did Mrs Gudsen spill all that?’
    ‘Neither. The whole saga was in the papers. But I’ll get the family court transcripts and check.’
    Marty looked surprised. ‘It was in the locals?’
    Al shook his head. ‘No. Nevada Herald . Last year. Lomax is a property tycoon. Was, anyhow. Local boy made good.’
    ‘And look how that turned out.’
    ‘Folks were interested.’
    ‘Or just plain nosey. Guess the Faith wanted to keep it out of their press.’
    ‘That’s why I read the out-of-state press – it hasn’t been censored,’ said Al.
    ‘Not by the Faith, anyhow.’
    ‘You got that right.’
    ‘Make sure that kid doesn’t go anywhere, Al.’
    Al followed Marty’s gaze over to where the young Korean follower was sat slumped down on the curb, his head in his hands.
    They got a translator pretty quickly, considering. An older Korean guy. Faith, naturally. He looked ready to give the young guy shit. But Marty just wanted to know if anyone had given the kid the package. No. Anyone asked him to leave it in the back of the limo? No. Where did he get the package? Seoul airport. The lady behind the counter had wrapped it for him when he’d told her it was a gift for his host family. What was he doing in America? He was a new member of the Faith. Obviously expanding their territories. After his plane had been delayed, he’d been so worried about being late for the start of the conference that he’d headed straight there instead of to the host’s house first. He’d totally forgotten about the package until he got to the registration hall and ran back out, pushing through the crowd until he saw ‘that man’, Tex, about to blow up his $200 gift.
    Tex was pissed. He liked to blow stuff up. Particularly if he’d been waiting hours to do it. After, as the kid stood with delayed shock, sobbing on the sidewalk, Big Tex gave him a lecture on securing your belongings at all times. It didn’t matter the kid could barely understand a word.
    Welcome to America.

September 10th 1982
    Canyon County
    He’d been stood in the dark for what felt like a lifetime. Engine and lights off. He hardly dared breathe, but he had to wait there until they settled again, then maybe one or two would edge back towards the fence. If so, he might be able to just reach over and grab one. No such

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