The Master Of Strathburn

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Book: The Master Of Strathburn by Amy Rose Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Rose Bennett
blue depths.
    To her annoyance, she felt her cheeks grow hot beneath his close scrutiny. But before she could gather her addled thoughts and respond, the huntsman continued, the warm baritone of his voice as soft as a caress. ‘Now, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Jessie, but you also have a rather large splinter at your temple that should probably be removed.’
    His gaze moved to her forehead as he reached slowly forward and lifted her hair away from the left side of her face. For the first time Jessie noticed her brow was stinging. She raised her right hand and gently probed the splinter, wincing slightly. Her temple was sticky with blood.
    The huntsman gently tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘It’s at your hairline and the wound is quite superficial so it shouldn’t leave any noticeable scar to mar your lovely face.’
    He thinks I am attractive? Surely he’s jesting.
    Even though she was still shivering, Jessie felt her cheeks begin to positively burn at his remark. ‘I suspect you must be a wee bit blind,’ she said shakily, attempting a smile. ‘But nevertheless, I’m ready. Go ahead an’ do yer worst.’ When she closed her eyes to submit to his ministrations, she thought she heard the stranger trying to suppress a chuckle.
    Once the splinter was removed, the man stood up. He was tall, Jessie noted, very tall. Broad shouldered and lean with long, muscular legs. Even if she’d been able, she doubted she could outrun him if she needed to.
    ‘Jessie, I’m just going to leave you here for a moment to help Tobias with the horses.’ He shrugged out of his coat and draped it around her. Jessie instantly noticed the smell of damp wool combined with the astringency of pine needles—and another note—the slightly musky scent of the man himself. It wasn’t unpleasant; in fact, she rather thought she liked it.
    ‘I won’t be long,’ he added, bending to retrieve his musket. And then he was gone.
    The mist was growing thicker in the copse. The chill dampness seemed to seep into Jessie’s very bones. Shivering, she drew the huntsman’s coat more closely around herself, trying to absorb his residual warmth. She closed her eyes, suddenly overwhelmed with fatigue. It was like the fog had penetrated her mind as well.
    As she hovered on the edge of consciousness, she was suddenly plagued by doubts again. She hated that she was now reliant on this handsome stranger. It was unsettling to be at such a disadvantage. It struck her again that she really knew nothing about this man, not even his name. Although the redhaired lad, Tobias, had called him my lord , an obvious mark of respect. But whether the huntsman was a nameless lord or a nameless poacher it really didn’t matter given her present predicament. Refusing his offer to take her to the hunting lodge would be foolhardy indeed.
    She prayed her initial instincts to trust him were right.
    ‘Jessie, you need to wake up, lass.’ The huntsman was back again, speaking softly by her ear, one of his hands gently squeezing her right shoulder. ‘The horses are here.’
    With an effort she prised her lids open.
    ‘Do you think you can stand?’
    Although dazed, Jessie found her voice. ‘I’m no’ sure. I’ll try.’
    ‘Good lass.’
    The man slid his arm around her waist to help her up, but as she started to rise, her temporarily forgotten sprained ankle protested. The sharp, shooting pain was so great she cried out in agony and clutched at the man’s arm and shoulder. Her head swam with dizziness and dark spots appeared before her eyes.
    ‘My ankle … I … I sprained it earlier,’ she gasped.
    The man’s mouth quirked into a lopsided smile. ‘Ah, that explains the missing boot. Do you know where you left it?’
    Jessie looked about and then gestured toward a pile of leaves by the trunk of the rowan. ‘It’s in my satchel, just over there.’
    Still supporting Jessie, the man reached down and snagged the strap with his free hand. Then without another

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