ADVOCAAT , in Afterglow; Avalanche; Banana Girl; Butterfly; Calvados Cream; Creeper; Dessert; Frou Frou; Goop; Kiss My Monkey; Mexican Nog ; Orgasmatron; Oro; Queen’s Love; Santiago; Silver Splinter; Silver Streak; Your Advocate
ALIZÉ ® ROSE , in Player’s Passion
AMARETTO , in ‘57 T-Bird with California Plates; ‘57 T-Bird with Cape Cod Plates; ‘57 T-Bird with Florida Plates; ‘57 T-Bird with Hawaiian Plates; Afternoon Pleasure; Alabama Slammer Cocktail; Almond Amaretto Freeze; Almond Joey ; Almond Joy; Amaretto Flirt; Amaretto Sour; B-53; Ball Buster; Bocce Ball; Candy; Cherry Lifesaver Cocktail; Chockfull; Comfortable Nut; Creativity ; Day at the Beach; Devil’s Smile; Don’t Be Bitter ; Dublin Delight; Everything Counts; Fields of Cream; Franco de Animalia; Fruitopia; Geez Louise ; Glory; Godchild; Godfather; Godmother; Grenatini; Hammerhead; Honolulu Hammer; I Love You; Italian Creamsicle; Italian Delight; It’s the Drink Talking; Love Italian Style; Macaroon; Moat Float; Moonlight Drive; New York Slapper; Nutty Combo; Nutty Stinger; Nutty Wakeup Call; Oak Tree; Off-White; Passionate Girl; Peachy Keen; Pike’s Peak; Purple Alaskan; Quaking; Quiet Sunday ; Razz Revenge; Red Devil; Red Hot Passion; Red Snapper; Royal Palace; Royal Temptation; Rule My World; Rushing; Santa Claus; Santiago; Scooter; Scotch Explorer; Scottish Piss; Serenade ; Sheer Elegance; Shortcake; Sicilian Kiss; Smooth and Sexy; Southern Italian Piss; Space Orbiter ; Spiced Swizzle; Strawberry Shortcake; Sweet Concoction; Sweetheart; Tame Bulldog; Tenderness ; Toasted Almond; Trembler; Tropical Cachaça; Ultimate Challenge;Vanilla Nut;Very Comfortable; Wicked Tasty Treat
AMARO , in As You Wish; Sky Pilot
AMER PICON ® , in Night Cap Cocktail
AMONTILLADO , in Soviet Cocktail
ANISETTE , in Café de Paris Cocktail; Dance with a Dream ; Deep Sea Cocktail; Deep Sea Martini; Dixie Cocktail; Especially Rough; Goop; Horny Bastard, Jelly Bean; Ladies Cocktail; Merry Widow Cocktail ; Morning Cocktail; Mother of Pearl; New Orleans Cocktail; Oyster Bay; Pansy Blossom Cocktail; Rattlesnake Cocktail; Repair Kit; Rock Thrower; Rolls Royce; Schvitzer; Scottish Runner; Shanghai Cocktail; Silent Broadsider; Siussesse; Snow Suit; Snowball
APEROL , in Bamboleo Papa Shake; Bananafana; Dean Martini; Grand Soda; Keep Quiet; Mr. Dry; Mutziputzi;Venetian Moonlight
APFELKORN , in Apple Orchard; Caribbean Fruit Orgy; Sex in Greece
APPLE BRANDY , in Angel Face; Apple Blow Fizz; Apple Orchard; Betrayed; Brandywine; Deauville; Empire ; Especially Rough; Granddaddy; Honeymoon Cocktail; Horny Bastard; Jersey Lightning; Madame Butterfly; Old Car; Paradise Bay; Polynesian Apple ; Saucy Sue; Savoy Tango; Scotch Lemonade; Stranger in Town
APPLE SCHNAPPS , in Apple Martini; Apple Slut; Apple-tini ; Candy Apple; Caramel Apple; Cinnamon Apple ; Fruity Loops; Olympic Gold; Puckerita; Rolling Thunder; Russian Apple; Son of Agent Orange ; Unbelievable; Unlimited; Washington Apple Cocktail
APPLEJACK , in Dosha; Jack’s Banana; Lumberjack; Sour Apple
APRICOT BRANDY , in Angel Face; Apricot Cola; Apricot Martini; At the Park; Avalanche; Banana Bracer ; Best in Show; Brandywine; Campanile; Chocolat ; Crazy Frenchman; Dosha; Empire; Exotic Tulip ; Hearts Afire; High Impact; Homecoming; I Love You; I Want You; In Mint Condition; It’s Midnight; Little, Yellow, Different; Moon Quake Shake ; Mr. Dry; Normandy Golden Dawn; Norwegian Summer; Once Upon a Time; Orange Hurricane; Pancho Villa; Piccadilly Circus; Pluto; PYT; Risky Business; Royal Exotic; Saint Bernard; Saucy Sue; See Ya Later; Set the Juice Loose; Sloppy Joe ; Sumatra Juice; Sundown; Touchdown
ARMAGNAC , in Love Italian Style; Mon Ami; Paris Love; Satin Doll
BAILEY’S IRISH CREAM ® , in Alaskan Monk; B-53; BMW; Brain Cocktail; Bring It On; Butterworth; Buttery Nipple Cocktail; Catch Me If You