reinforcements for, 102â3, 135
see also Marine Aircraft Group 23
Cairo Allied conference (November 1943), 437, 438
Calhoun, C. Raymond, 162
Calhoun, William L., 198, 333, 440
California , USS, 291, 292
Callaghan, Daniel J., 22, 160, 161
in Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, 162, 164
Camp Cable, 209
Canberra , HMAS, 45â46, 51, 53
cannibalism, xviii, 191
Canton Island, 124, 144, 342, 389
Cape Esperance, 164, 178, 184
Cape Esperance, Battle of, 135
Cape Gloucester, New Britain, 240
Cape Moira, Bougainville, 206
Cape St. George, New Ireland, 41
Cape Torokina, Bougainville, 235, 236
Carney, Robert B., 146, 201, 222, 232, 440
Carney Field, 190, 242
Caroline Islands, 116, 312, 449
Carpender, Arthur S., 218
carrier bombers, Japanese, 470
Carrier Division 1, Japanese, 419, 448, 473, 482
aircraft of, 420
Carrier Division 2, Japanese, 486
aircraft losses of, 420â21
aircraft of, 419
Carrier Division 3, Japanese, 473
CARTWHEEL , Operation, 224, 241 , 313
air campaign in, 231, 236â39
Bougainville landings in, 236, 340
Emirau Island landings in, 242
Green Islands landings in, 240, 242
leapfrogging strategy in, 232, 240, 242
morale and discipline problems in, 231â32
naval battles in, 233â35, 236â37
New Britain campaign in, 239â40
New Georgia campaign in, 222, 231â32
Rabaul bypassed in, 232, 235, 240
Casablanca conference (1943), 10, 307â11
CATCHPOLE , Operation, see Eniwetok, Battle of
Cavalla (submarine), 471, 473, 475, 485
Cavite Naval Base, Manila Bay, 254â55
Cawley, David, 404
Central Pacific Fleet, see Fifth Fleet, U.S.
central Pacific offensive, 237, 314 , 320
Brookeâs opposition to, 307â12
conservative deployment of carriers in, 373
interservice sensitivities in, 321
Kingâs advocacy of, 235, 306â7, 308, 313
Kwajalein landing in, see Kwajalein, Battle of
leapfrogging strategy in, 384, 401, 403
MacArthurâs opposition to, 306, 313
Marianas in, see Marianas campaign
Nimitz and, 312â13, 317
Spruance placed in command of, 315â16
submarine warfare in, 368â69, 402, 413
central Pacific offensive, air war in, 368â83
airfield attacks in, 388
Bat Team tactics in, 374â76
dogfights in, 371, 388
Japanese losses in, 456
Japanese night attacks in, 369â70, 381â82
U.S. night attacks in, 412
Chambers, Justice, 21, 36
Chambers , USS, 50
Chambliss, William C., 110, 111
Chamorros, 511, 517, 521
Charan Kanoa, 465, 468
Cheetah Shoals, 23
CHERRY BLOSSOM , Operation, 236
Chevalier , USS, 234â35
Chiang Kai-Shek, xxii, 437
Chicago , USS, 36, 43, 45â46, 53, 57, 60, 183
Chichi Jima, 440, 449, 463, 464
Chikuma , 69, 78, 150
Childs, Marquis, 87
basing of B-29s in, 437â38
in war with Japan, 437
China Air Fleet, 447
China Incident (1937), 429
Chinese air force, Japanese superiority over, xxii
Chitose , 69, 453
chivalry, modern warfare and, 204
Chiyoda , 257â58, 491
Choiseul Island, 42
Chokai , 41, 42, 45, 46, 48
Christie, Ralph, 278
as Southwest Pacific Area submarine commander, 280
torpedo performance defended by, 280â81
Chuo Koran , 528â29
Churchill, Winston, 9, 94, 128 n , 308, 311, 390
map room of, 93
TORCH proposed by, 97
and U.S. pressure for invasion of France, 95, 96
CINCPAC, 297â98, 477
CINCPAC Hill, 519â20
Civilian Conservation Corps, 88
Clark, Joseph J. âJocko,â 327, 368, 370, 371, 382, 388, 463, 472â73, 474, 477
Cherokee ancestry of, 326
competitiveness of, 329
conservative deployment of carrier criticized by, 373
and Japanese Kwajalein counterattack, 379â80
in Kwajalein raid, 377
in Operation TORCH , 327â28
personality and appearance of, 326â27
Pownall and, 341
and Pownallâs refusal to order second strike in Kwajalein, 379, 381, 382â83
in race to beat Essex to Pearl Harbor, 328â29
SB2Cs rejected by, 331â32
as stern taskmaster, 326â27,
Nancy Springer
Chris Lynch
Emerald Enchantment
Miriam Minger
George Mann
Michelle Larks
Ilona Andrews
Christina McKenna
Ruth White
James Luceno