467, 468, 498
Associated Press, 97
Astoria , USS, 46, 47â48, 51â52, 53
Atago , 147
Atlanta , USS, 155, 162, 165
Atlantic Ocean, German wolf packs in, 278
Attu Island, 417
Japanese forces on, 225â30
U.S. assault on, 229â30, 444
Auckland, New Zealand, 12
Austen, Mount, Guadalcanal, 26, 138, 175
Australia, xxiii, 13
distrust of authority in, 215
MacArthur in, 215â16
sports as obsession in, 212
Australia, U.S. servicemen in, 209â10
in Brisbane riots, 214â15
strained relations between civilians and, 213â15
warm welcome given to, 212
women and, 210â11, 213
Australia , HMAS, 39, 43
B-17 Flying Fortresses, 100, 223
B-24 Liberators, 342
B-29 Superfortresses, 307
Backus, Paul, 478, 495
Badoglio, Pietro, 444
Bagley , 52
Bak, Michael, 364
Baker Island, 342
Baldwin, Hanson, 97, 98
Ballale Island, 157, 203, 205
Ballantine, Robert, 99
Ballentine, John J., 328, 329
Baltimore , 410
banzai charges, 504â6, 510
Barbey, Daniel E., 239
Barton , 163
Bataan Peninsula, Philippines, xxi, 141
âBat Teamâ fighters, 374â76, 463
battleships, Iowa -class, 386â87
Beach, Edward L. âNed,â Jr., 278
Beaurepaire, Frank, 213
Beaver, Floyd, 152, 245
Becker, Adolph E., Jr., 516â17
Belleau Wood , 301, 405, 463, 478, 494, 495â96
Benhaum , 169â70
Betchik, Tony, 141
Betelgeuse , 53
Betio Island, 338, 345 , 364, 367
Japanese fortifications on, 320, 321â22, 334, 343, 345â46, 358, 362â63
Japanese troop strength on, 345
naval and air bombardment of, 343â44, 346
rebuilding efforts on, 361
U.S. landings on, 346, 348â49
Biak Island, 456, 462
Japanese determination to hold, 454â55
Bierer, Bion B., 48
Bismarck, Battle of the, 225
Bismarck Archipelago, 11, 235, 242, 418
Blair, Clay, 278
Blanchard, J. W., 484
Blandy, William H. P. âSpike,â 282
âBless âEm All,â 212
Bloody Ridge, Battle of, 106, 121, 130
Blue , USS, 43, 45
Bluefish , USS, 453
Bluegill , USS, 453
Board of Information, Japanese, 526, 527, 532
Bode, Howard D., 43, 46, 57
Bogese, George, xxviii
Boise , 135
BOLERO , Operation, 95, 96
Bombing Squadron 10, 404
Bond, Roger, 340, 387
Bonefish , 453
Bonin Islands, 449
Bonis, 235
Bonnell, Lieutenant, 243
Book of Five Spheres (Musashi), 188
Borneo, oil fields on, 282, 285, 416, 448
Bougainville Island, xvii, 13 , 30, 37, 76, 99, 157, 184, 203, 205, 224, 232, 233, 238, 262
Buka Airfield on, 62
coastwatchers in, 157
Japanese troops on, xxv, 235
U.S. landings on, 236, 340
Bougainville Strait, 263
Boulier, Kenneth A., 205
Boyington, Gregory âPappy,â 408
Bradlee, Ben, 501â2
Briggs, Laura, 247
MacArthurâs headquarters in, 217
New Farm Wharf in, 264â65
1942 riots in, 214, 265
Brisbane Courier-Mail , 214, 215
British Empire, racism in, xx
Brooke, Alan, 10, 95â96
central Pacific offensive opposed by, 307â12
Brown, Julian, 198, 199
Browning, Miles, 198, 200â201
Bryan, Joseph, III, 323
Buell, Harold, 105, 191, 305, 386, 463â64, 490â91, 492, 494, 495
Buin, Bougainville, xxv, 62, 157, 179, 203, 206, 234, 235, 419
Japanese airstrip at, 122
Buka Island, xxvi, 37, 38, 157, 235
Buka Passage, xxv, 37
Buna, 220
Bunker Hill , USS (CV-17), 328, 405, 530
Bureau of Aeronautics, U.S. Navy, 301, 304, 305, 323
Bureau of Ordnance, U.S. Navy, 255â56, 277, 278, 279, 281â82
Burke, Arleigh â31-Knot,â 233, 236, 389, 476â77, 479, 494
appointed Mitscherâs chief of staff, 436
Burma, 418
bushido , 186â87, 507
Butaritari Island, 320, 361â62
Cabot , 405, 478
Cactus Air Force, 71, 103, 166, 222, 458
daily missions of, 135â36
in dogfights with Japanese, 100â101
Enterprise and Saratoga squadrons in, 82, 103, 105
Japanese troop transports attacked by, 167â68, 172â73
night missions of, 104
October 13â14 decimation of,
Nancy Springer
Chris Lynch
Emerald Enchantment
Miriam Minger
George Mann
Michelle Larks
Ilona Andrews
Christina McKenna
Ruth White
James Luceno