The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series)

Read Online The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series) by Calinda B - Free Book Online

Book: The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series) by Calinda B Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calinda B
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my face, delighted. His wings sparkle. This animal, this canine companion - he’s the truest friend I have ever had. I hug him to me. He wriggles and wags his tail. He slurps my face with his wet tongue. And then I am ripped away from him, too. I think I’m still streaming with light as I fall into a dark, dark place, unconscious, broken, extremely sedated, but alive.

Chapter 8
    In the morning, I wake up and utter a small groan. The sleep of the sedated. All Smiles sits in a chair next to me, intently watching me. The sun is streaming through my bar-covered window. It makes a striped pattern on my bed. I study this pattern for a moment, wondering how I could paint it. Then I shake my head. Why in the world would I want to remember this place?
    “Good morning, Ms. Engles.”
    “Morning,” I say, swirling my tongue inside of my paste-filled mouth. “What time is it? Don’t you ever sleep?”
    “Oh, it’s about 8am. And we had a busy night last night. I’ve been up all night. Just thought I’d keep an eye on you.” His warm smile grows even wider.
    “Oh, well, uh, thanks.” I push myself up to sitting. “I’m not used to waking up and seeing someone watching me. Did I need watching? I slept like the dead.”
    He glances away and stands up, wandering over to the Blue Tray of Doom. Only this time he just hands me a paper cup of water , poured from a stainless steel pitcher. “Well,” he begins, not meeting my eyes. “I’d rather it was me watching you than anyone else.”
    “Okay. And why is that?”
    “You were, uh…you did…you were…you’re…”
    “Out with it, All Smiles. The day has barely begun. And I must have a full schedule today at this resort.” I rub my eyes and stretch.
    “Is that what you call me? All Smiles?” He beams at me.
    “It seems to fit. You’re actually happy , and you work here. I don’t know what your secret is, but I wish I had some of what you’ve been drinking.” I swing my pajama clad legs over the side of the bed. “So what was I…did I…and am I?”
    “You…” He cocks his head and stares at me, his chocolate eyes piercing. “That light thing…I was coming down the hallway in the middle of the night , and I saw light coming out underneath your door. I thought maybe you were awake. But you were sound asleep. And you were all lit up, glowing like a lightning storm. Take a peek at the effect you left.” He strides over to the bed and lifts the corner of the sheet.
    My white sheets are scorched brown. They stink like burnt cotton. “Oh, no, did I do that?”
    He nods.
    “And you saw that?” I grab my head with my hands. “Please, please, please don’t lock me up more than I already am. I can explain.” I bite my lip. “Actually, I can’t explain it. But please…now you see why I don’t belong in here.” I look at him, desperation filling my eyes.
    “Yes. I do see that. It was hard to miss. Thank goodness the lightning show finally stopped. I held vigil here all night, afraid someone else would come in and see you like that. I was prepared to haul you into the bathroom if I heard anyone.” He sighs. “You and Rafe. You’re different alright.”
    “What do you mean? How is Rafe different?”
    “Don’t you know? Can’t you people with different abilities sense another’s abilities?”
    “Well, if we can, I don’t know how to do it, especially with Haloperidol streaking through me.”
    “Yeah. About that.” He glances toward the door. Gets up and looks in the hallway, his head turning right and left. Comes back to my side and whispers to me. “I know it was you who messed up Dr. Bellows. I would have, too. The guy’s not very nice. He uses and abuses. He does way more harm than good. Ask Rafe.”
    “How is he? Rafe, I mean?”
    “He sure took the fall for you. He’s a good guy. Anyway, I’m willing to sneak you something innocuous like ibuprofen in order for you to keep a clear head. You haven’t been on it that long so there

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