The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series)

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Book: The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series) by Calinda B Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calinda B
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hard and ripped with muscle, settles over my belly. His legs push mine wide. And then I feel his…his…his erection, piercing me, hard, slick and slow. A moan escapes. I writhe on the bed, my hands reaching down to my silky lips to assist the process. My fingers start sliding along my wetness. It’s as if Daniel is inside of me, and I can reach right through him to stroke my tender folds.
    The door bursts open, slamming against the back wall. I cease my exploration, panting, and try to assume nonchalance. Only thing is, I am very aroused, extremely wet, and wanting more.
    An orderly backs in , pulling a wheeled cart topped with covered dishes. He maneuvers the cart into my room, turns around and stares at me. “Sorry about the noise. I didn’t mean to scare you. Matthew said you had a rough night and requested that you be brought breakfast.” He cocks his head and studies me.
    He’s an ordinary looking guy with close -cropped blond hair and a ruddy complexion. He looks to be in his early thirties.
    I’m sure my face is flushed. I’m still trying to calm my breathing. My heart is beating hard and fast.
    “We don’t usually give special service around here so I wouldn’t expect this on a regular basis.” He sets the plastic covered plates a little harder than is needed on the functional, industrial dresser next to the bed. “Got it?”
    “Got it.”
    His eyes slide back over to me, and he regards me sidelong for a long, burning moment.
    I think guys just know when you’re aroused. They can smell it , they can sense it, and they can feel it, even if they don’t know what “it” is. “Don’t you have better things to do? I’d like to get ready for my busy day.” I flash a caustic smile in his direction. Without another word, he departs.
    I pick at breakfast for a minute but give up on what’s offered - cardboard tasting oatmeal and cold toast. So much for the special service. Instead, I head to the shower to ready myself for the day. Once inside the shower stall, I attempt to contact Daniel. Can you still hear me?
    What was that arousal thing that just happened? Was that you? I swear I can hear him laughing. Well? I’m still in the mental hospital. I almost got discovered pleasuring myself. More laughter. Daniel. Tell me if you’re okay. Thick, weighted silence fills my head.
    The real question, amorcito, is are you okay?
    Today I am. This place is horrid. I’ve been trying to keep the electricity to myself but last night I… I scramble my thoughts, not wanting to remember or reveal last night.
    I’m waiting.
    I don’t want to share - it was awful.
    Dulzura, the only thing keeping me alive in here is you. Please tell me what happened.
    Okay. Well. I…I…
    Please, love.
    He sounds so soft in my head, so vulnerable, I relent. I had a therapy session with this guy named Dr. Bellows. He’s a real ass. He’s the head dick around here. He tried some therapeutic process with me. I descended down a staircase. I came to two doors. One of them was where you are. I tried to find you.
    Yes, I felt you.
    I wanted to kiss you. I…
    You what?
    I’m not sure this is a good idea, telling him that Dr. Bellows kissed me. Not with him where he is.
    Are you where the Numina said? In your dark world?
    Why did you cast yourself in there?
    Are you trying to distract me?
    What is it you don’t want to tell me?
    Dr. Bellows, he…
    He what?
    I thought you were going to kiss me. I could feel you. I know it was you. Only…
    Only what?
    I can feel the burn of his growing anger like a hot coal burning through my belly. Calm down. I took care of it.
    You took care of what, Marissa? You have to tell me. You don’t want me to concoct a story. Not with where I am right now.
    I take a deep breath, square my shoulders and focus on the water pelting my head. They sure don’t make these showers a luxurious experience. The water is zinging and pricking my skin like tiny needles. I turn the faucet down to a

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