The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series)

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Book: The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series) by Calinda B Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calinda B
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shouldn’t be any withdrawal from the Haloperidol. Dr. Bellows is going to be out for a while. You really clobbered him.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Damn, girl, remind me to not ever be your enemy.”
    I smile. He’s got the warmest demeanor I’ve ever seen. Why in the world does he work here, then? “Is he badly hurt?”
    “Nothing that time and modern medicine won’t lick.” He chuckles. “But yeah. He’s hurt.”
    “What happened to Rafe?”
    All Smile’s face falls. He shakes his head side to side. “Damn. It shouldn’t be that way around here. I mean, people are all different. Rafe’s unique. He’s got gifts like you do. And when he confessed to hurting Dr. Bellows, he got locked up good and tight. It was just an excuse to get him off the floor. He’s super nice, but he pisses off a lot of the staff since he gets so many special privileges. I tell you what, though, without Dr. Bellows here to protect him, he’s going to be fair game for the rest of them. Not that Dr. B did him any good.” His head shifts side to side again. “Damn.”
    “What are his special abilities?”
    “I think it would be best if he told you. He doesn’t open up that easily, and I don’t want to betray any trust. They’ll let him back on the floor sooner or later, and you can ask him yourself.”
    “I hope to not be here that long. I have, um…” I stare out the window. “I have responsibilities to take care of.”
    All Smiles nods. “I’m sure you do. That’s why I want to help you keep your head clear.”
    The morning nurse marches in the room with the real Blue Tray of Doom. “Good morning, Matthew.”
    “Good morning, Alice. Say, I’ll see to Ms. Engles’ meds. She’s had a rough night. Nightmares.”
    Alice glances at her watch. “She should have been given these an hour ago. Doctor’s orders. You know that.”
    “I do indeed.” All Smiles reaches for the tray and pats her shoulder. “I’ll take it from here. We’re all a little bit disorganized. It was a rough night.”
    Alice flicks her eyes over to me and back. “I heard it was,” she whispers to All Smiles. “You’ll have to tell me all about it - out there.” She tosses her head toward the hallway.
    “I will, I will. I’ll tell you all about it.” He smiles and guides her toward the door. “I’ll take good care of Ms. Engles, don’t you worry.”
    After she left, All Smiles turns to me. “She’s a nosy busy body. Let’s just flush these down the toilet, and you can get up and ready for your day, okay?” He yawns. “I’ve gotta get me some shut eye.” Yawns again. Rubs his eyes. “I’ll be sure to get back in time for your next meds. I’m rooting for you, Ms. Engles. I’m on your side.” He makes his way out into the hall, whistling.
    After he leaves, I take time to gather my thoughts. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to deal with Armando Navid, but deal I shall. So much power! If he’s got El Demonio’s power combined with his own… I shudder at the thought. And then there’s Daniel - trapped in darkness with every evil creature that exists. I’ve got to speak with him. I was able to communicate, mind to mind, in Dr. Bellow’s office. Maybe I can do it again? Maybe I don’t need the diamond earrings to keep in touch. I settle back onto my chunky, uncomfortable, hospital grade pillow and pull the covers up to my neck. I close my eyes and breathe slow and deep. In breath. Out breath. In breath. Out breath. Daniel?
    You can hear me?
    Loud and clear.
    No drugs. And no earrings. This is just my mind caressing your mind. I’m greeted with silence and then a wave of arousal. It slams through me so hard I’m grateful I’m on the bed. If I were anywhere else, I’d have done a face plant. The image and sensation of my dangerous lover are so vivid it’s as if he’s right here, right now. Invisible hands trace delicate patterns along my face. Invisible lips envelop mine. It’s as if his abdomen,

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