
Read Online Spiraling by H. Karhoff - Free Book Online

Book: Spiraling by H. Karhoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. Karhoff
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everything else in my life sucked.

    “Hey,” Devon walked around me and opened his locker.
    “Hi.” I smiled.
    “You going to the game tomorrow night?”
    I nodded. “Uh-huh. Are you?”
    “Yeah. The guys want to go.”
    “Oh, the guys want to go. Do you do everything the guys want to do?”
    He looked at me. “No. Do you do everything your friends want to do?”
    “Sometimes.” I shrugged. “It depends.”
    “On what?”
    “What they want to do.”
    “Makes sense.” He chuckled.
    I put my bag on my shoulder, shut my locker, and turned toward him. “Is this the first game you’ve gone to?”
    “Yeah. High school football’s not really my thing.”
    “Why not? You could be a football player.”
    “Could I?” He shut his locker.
    I walked beside him as he started out of the wall. “Yeah. You’re bigger than a lot of the guys on the team, and I’m sure you could play better. It wouldn’t be hard. Last week, Tim Gholston fumbled the ball three times before Coach finally took him out.”
    “Who’s Tim Gholston?”
    “Number thirty-five. He’s a wide receiver, but he should really be a cornerback because he’s fast. He just can’t catch or hang on to the ball to save his life.”
    “You know a lot about football, don’t you?”
    “I guess.” I shrugged. “My brother used to play.”
    “Chris played football?” He smiled.
    I nodded. “Until last year. He made the varsity team, but he didn’t want to play anymore, so he quit.”
    He shook his head and opened the door leading outside. “I didn’t picture Chris as a jock.”
    I walked through the door. “He used to love sports. He played basketball and wrestled, too. So did Jake. Well, Jake played football and basketball. I don’t think he ever wrestled.”
    Devon chuckled. “Jake Wilson?”
    “Yes, Jake Wilson.”
    “That’s funny.”
    “Did you ever play any sports?”
    “No.” He shook his head. Then he narrowed his eyes as if he’d thought of something. “Actually, yeah, I did. I played baseball when I was nine.”
    “Were you good at it?”
    He chuckled. “Not even a little bit.”
    “I suck at sports, too.” I smiled. “I’m probably the most uncoordinated person on the planet.”
    “Is that why you’re not a cheerleader?”
    “Pretty much. My mom made me take ballet classes when I was five. She thought they would make me more graceful, but I was so terrible, the instructor made me a tree at the recital so that I wouldn’t have to move very much.”
    “I’m sure you were the best tree there.”
    “I was the only tree. Everybody else got to be swans. Except Kenn, she was a princess.”
    “Were you jealous?”
    “No.” I shook my head. “I hated ballet. I didn’t even want to be in the recital, but my mom said I had to go. It wasn’t all bad, though. After the recital, Camber’s mom took everyone to get ice cream.”
    “Camber? Isn’t she that anorexic bitch that’s always running her mouth at pep rallies?”
    “Camber’s not anorexic, but yeah, she’s captain of the cheer squad.”
    “Sorry. I didn’t mean to insult one of your friends.”
    “She’s not my friend. I can’t stand Camber. She told Taylor that Angie slept with her boyfriend, Aaron. Now everybody’s mad at Angie and she didn’t even do anything. The whole thing was that Dustin blew off Miranda to go out with Angie and Miranda and Camber are best friends, so Camber thought that if she told everyone Angie was sleeping around that Dustin wouldn’t want to go out with her anymore, but it didn’t really work out that way.”
    I paused to take a breath and realized that I had lost Devon’s attention. His eyes were focused on something on the other end of the parking lot.
    “I’m sorry,” I said and he looked at me. “You couldn’t care less about any of this, huh?”
    “It’s all right,” he replied. “Go on. What happened?”
    Although I knew his interest wasn’t genuine, I went on as we continued across the parking

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