Watch How We Walk

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Book: Watch How We Walk by Jennifer LoveGrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer LoveGrove
one, and so cannot tick off the box on her very own Service Report. Again this month she will have to write a zero.
    â€” Because.
    Sweat sears down her back in rivulets.
    â€” It’s against our religious beliefs.
    â€” What religion are you? I’m a Pentecostal. Do you know what that is? Agnes takes a step closer to Emily, who backs up and bangs her hip against the book cart.
    â€” Ouch! Emily pushes the cart between her and Agnes.
    â€” I’ve heard of it. Your church is just outside of town, on the highway, right?
    â€” Right! Agnes nods so vigorously that her blond braids bounce on her shoulders.
    Pentecostals — the worst religion of all. They are from Babylon, and they talk in made-up languages because they are demonized. When they drive past the Pentecostal church on their way to the Hall, Emily’s dad tells them not to even look at it out the window. Emily does though, she always sneaks a glance at the Pentecostals. She had assumed they would look different, monstrous, with wild hair and eyes that bulge, constantly howling and maybe even flying. But no — Emily was disappointed to see the Pentecostals parking their freshly washed vans and station wagons, dressed up in three-piece suits and dresses just like them, waving to each other, chatting, some holding hands, strolling into their church.
    â€” So what religion are you, then?
    â€” I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The elders always tell the congregation never to be ashamed of their faith in Jehovah God, that young Samuel in the Bible was only four years old when he devoted his life to serving God. At the end of My Book of Bible Stories , the only Hall book for kids, it says, Let’s tell as many people as we can about our wonderful God, Jehovah, and His Son, Jesus Christ. If we do these things, then we will be able to live forever in God’s new Paradise on Earth . Emily hopes she sounds proud and confident. Agnes leans across the book cart toward Emily.
    â€” What? I can’t hear you.
    Emily repeats herself, more loudly, and wonders if anyone else can hear her.
    â€” So you’re not allowed to sing? Is that why you have to stand out in the hall? You’re not allowed to sing or dance or take alcohol or swear?
    â€” Well, no . . .
    Emily is confused; of course they are permitted to sing. They have an entire songbook, purple with gold lettering on the front, called Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts . And they dance at weddings, and sometimes drink wine, though not to excess , but they definitely aren’t supposed to swear.
    â€” We can sing, just not the national anthem. It’s against our religion.
    â€” But why?
    â€” Because we are to be no part of this world .
    â€” What does that mean, ‘no part of this world’?
    â€” It means, well . . . Emily falters. She knows what it means. There are Jehovah’s Witnesses, who are in the Truth, and there is everybody else, who are the worldly people.
    â€” It means not taking part in this wicked system of things.
    Agnes nods again as though she understands, but Emily can tell that she’s bored already; Emily is nowhere near interesting her in learning about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Agnes hops from one foot to the other on the other side of the book cart. Her glasses slide down to the tip of her nose. She peers over them at Emily.
    â€” Can you speak in tongues?
    â€” No! That’s Satanic!
    â€” No it’s not. It’s the Holy Spirit.
    Emily knows she’s wrong, but says nothing. It’s pagan, not real Christianity at all; people who speak in tongues are usually just trying to get attention. Her mom says it’s either that or they are demonized.
    â€” I’ve got the gift of receiving the Holy Spirit. I speak in tongues all the time. My mom says that out of everyone at church, I’m the best at it.
    Emily nods, turns away, and shelves more books.

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