Wolf House (Potter's Story)

Read Online Wolf House (Potter's Story) by Tim O'Rourke - Free Book Online

Book: Wolf House (Potter's Story) by Tim O'Rourke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim O'Rourke
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women and I didn’t want anything to do with either. So I split one night and I took their van with me. I got about sixty miles before the gas ran out, but it was a place to sleep for a night or two before the cops picked it up sitting abandoned beside the road.
    But the winter nights were the worst. The winters can be unforgiving in the North of England, and I spent many nights huddled against the wall of some derelict farm house, outhouse, or any other kind of house I could find. But one night, my luck changed. I didn’t realise it at first, but things got better for me. I smashed the small glass panel with my fist and the blood that seeped from my knuckles warmed my frozen fingers. Reaching inside the factory window, I lifted the lock, swung open the window and climbed inside. My first piece of luck was that I’d broken into a bed factory and oh what joy! A bed to sleep on! But the joy was short-lived as lights from a set of headlamps blazed across the factory windows.
    Realising that I must have tripped an alarm, I sprang from the bed and peered through the window out across the empty car park in front of the factory. There was a police car out there and a cop stood beside it. He looked old with his silver hair glistening beneath the stars and a pipe hanging from the corner of his mouth. All the same, he was a cop and I couldn’t risk getting caught in here. I’d be arrested for burglary, and that would mean being taken into custody and the risk of who and what I really was, was too great.
    I raced across the factory floor towards a fire exit set into the far wall. Throwing myself against it, I spilled out into the night, tripping the fire alarm. Running as hard and fast as I could, I made my way around the opposite side of the building where the cop was. With my heart beating in my chest, I pushed on. Then, as if from nowhere, the cop was in front of me. Pulling up sharp, I wondered how such an old guy had managed to get ahead of me so quickly.
    Spinning around, I raced back in the direction I had come.
    “Stop!” the copper called out.
    “No fucking chance!” I yelled over my shoulder, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he was gaining on me.
    For an old boy, he was fast. I knew if I didn’t do something to get away from him, he would have me and it would be game over. In a desperate bid to be free of him, I released my claws and ripped away my coat. I really didn’t want to do this, but what other choice did I have? I didn’t want him to see my wings or to see me fly away like some giant crow, but who would believe him?
    With my wings unfolding from my back, I leapt into the air and within seconds, I was soaring high above the factory. I looked down, expecting him to be staring up at me wide-eyed and mouth open in shock, but I couldn’t see him. Spinning through the air, I back-flipped and then I saw him. Except he wasn’t standing in the car park scratching his silver hair, he was racing through the air towards me.
    Just like me, he had jet-black wings that flapped like two giant sails on either side of him. His arms were tucked beside him, his head pointing down. He looked like some freaky missile as he shot towards me. This cop knew how to fly, and I don’t mean he knew how to flap his wings. He had speed and agility far greater than anything I’d seen before. Somersaulting away from him, he banked right, then came swooping towards me again. I shot away, but he was on me, snatching at me with his claws and dragging me out of the sky. For an old guy, he was immensely strong, and he threw his arms so tightly about me that I thought my spine would snap.
    I struggled against him. He then fixed me with a pair of icy blue eyes and barked, “Keep still, boy, or you’re going to ruin everything!”
    “But -” I started.
    “No buts!” he growled over the sound of the wind. “You’re not the only goddamn Vampyrus living in secret above ground, so stop drawing attention to us!”
    Then we

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